All a girl needs is a girl party part2 continued

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Carlie's P.O.V
We were all walking on the beach when all of a sudden I saw a really familiar face. I couldn't see who it was in the distance but we got closer and I saw who it was it was jack and jack with skate sammy and Daniel skye. they were all walking towards us so I just freaked out and I'm pretty sure Brookie and Maddie were confused so I grabbed 3 surf board and ran into the water trying to ignore them seeing as last time I meet them they knocked me down and blamed me for there drinks spilling. "So are you gonna tell u what the hell is going on or are you just gonna keep on surfing like a pro?" I heard Maddie say in the distance. I got out of the ocean and went to the house were Maddie was standing. "I saw the jacks and there stupid and annoying crew. who I had no intension of Interacting with them today." I told her. "um weird but okay?" She replied. I walked up to the roof and just say there watching the sunset when I heard the doors of the house open and close. "hello?" I asked seeing as Maddie an Brookie fell asleep in the living room. "O sorry just saw you up here and though to should come see what's wrong you okay?" Someone asked. "yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked back realizing it was daniel. "umm the fact that your crying and your eyes are all red and puffy." Daniel said answering my question. Was I really crying? "Yeah" he said. wow I must of been thinking out loud. "why don't you come down from there and we can take a walk on the beach while you can tell me why you were crying but only if you want, I don't want to pressure you." he said to me "your not just doing this cause you fell bad for me are you?" I asked him trying to clarify. "no I'm not like all of the other guys I actually care.". He said answering me. "thanks for making me laugh and sure but bit to long cause I need to get back to the girls." I said grabbing the hand he put out or me to grab for me to jump to the ground. "So would you like to why your beautiful soul was crying" he said making me blush. "I don't want it but I trust you so I will." I said trailing off to the explanation. "so it started with me just thinking about zach and how I thought we had some thing special wich lead me to think about how he kissed his ex- wich made me think about how his ex said that no one loves me and zach loves her not me and then I have no clue what was bouncing around my mind" I said with a few tears rolling down my face. "well first of all who's this zach bi-kid" he asked "zachs my bo- I have no clue what he is to me actually." I answered as best I could "well this zach kid seems like a dick to be completely honest with you and this ex of his seems like a hoe as both of them are stupid as hell. you are An amazing and beautiful person who I happen to be falling for really hard right now and it's a plus that you can surf like a pro but I know you must really love this zach kid if your this upset about him but you wanna know something. you will always have someone that loves you. you have your family and I'm always here If you need me." Daniel said "thanks it means a lot to me" I said, i was lying down on the ground. Daniel eventually came and sat down really close next to me with his arm around my shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder. "you know you actually are different. Your a really good listener" I said with my eyes closed now cuddling with Daniel. "and your a really good person" he said sighing under his breath. "goodnight beautiful see you in the morning." is the last thing I heard from him. and I was suddenly put to sleep with him playing with my hair.

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