lost in the happy places

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rudans P.O.V

god i really messed up this time, right now carlie could be anywere in the world and hurting herself or doing something wrong and its all cause of me being a stupid drunk. why do i have to be so stupid.

Daniels.      P.O.V
When Carlie came I felt so bad for her she seemed really torn and depressed so while she fell asleep i booked a flight to Hawaii so that she could get away for a couple day plus I know that her family is going to Hawaii while we're there for tour.  My family loves her and they own a hotel there for us to stay at for free.  I mean it's the one everyone is going to for tour but me and Carlie are going for free.   She really needs a break and I remember Hawaii is her happy place and she always loved the beaches and the surfing.  I was about to fall asleep but I decided to tell zach she's okay

D-  hey bro Carlie's at my place with my parents right now she told me what happened and tomorrow we have a flight at 5:45 in the morning to go to Hawaii early so she can get a break from things  but you are welcome to come with I know it's a couple days before you guys come but we would love for you to join and it's all on me

I phone lit up 2 minutes later

Zach-  thanks bro I'm glad she's with you and safe I wouldn't want anything to happen I don't want to intrude anything and I think it's  good for her to get away from everything and catch a break I know I can trust you just please don't hurt her she's really fragile I know I'm acting like her father but her father is being a dick and I love her to much to have her hurt have fun in Hawaii and see you soon

I'm glad he's not mad cause I would hate that. 

Carlie's             P.O.V
I was woken up bye Daniel at like 5 in the morning so I had to say "Danny why did you wake me up so early" and he responded with "I have a surprise for you so here" he fished and handed me one of his merch sweatshirts and a pair of black legging which I'm guessing he got from his mom cause we're the same size.  His mom is really small.  I got out of the bathroom from changing and we were matching outs just his sweatshirt fit him more.  "Twinning with my bestie for life" I yelled while jumping on Daniel back and be piggy backed me to his car.  We got in and I instantly plugged my phone to the auxiliary cord and Daniels song all I want ft. Cam Dallas came on so I blared it and starting singing along with it and Daniel was just laughing at me.  Such a great friend 😑.  We got to an air port and I was really confused until the intercome thinking said " Daniel Skye and Carlie Custodio private flight to hanalulu Hawaii is now ready you may gat situated."  "You ready bestie" Daniel said looking down at me with his had out for me to take.  Which obviously I took.  We got to our gate thingy and there were lots of fans there so we walked faster and faster until we got into the plane "that was a close one" I ended up saying in between small shivers.  "Yeah it really was" Daniel replied.  It started taking off and I was already asleep.  I am supper excited and I have no clue how I'm going to re pay him for this. 

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