Hartbreaker zach

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Zachs P.O.V
I really like Carlie. ever since she came into our family I have been happier and I felt loved. she really means the world to me and I never want to lose her. I don't know what I would do with my life. I mean yeah I have younow and my supporters but I new Carlie I make me happier. I kept on thinking about her until someone came up next to me and kissed me it was then that I remembered I was on the roof and I realized I was crying. I don't know what got into me but I think it was cause of that daxton dude. I didn't know who was kissing me. I thought it was Carlie because she is the only one that knows I come up here but then I heard crying. I pulled away and to realize that I was kissing my ex- Alaina. all of a sudden tears were rolling down my face. I tried to go to the bathroom but it was locked so I just went to my room until I realized how Carlie must be felling. I went back down to the bathroom to try and talk to her. "Carlie please let me in I need to talk to you" I said trying to convince her to open the door but she wouldn't budge. And all of a sudden Rudan and Edwin came and that's when I realized I'm going to die today. "baby girl it's me and Edwin" Rudan said and than right after Edwin said. "Princess please open up," The door unlocked and the guys went in. I'm scared to know what they're going to do to me. I put my ear up to the door to hear what they were saying. I heard Rudan say "baby girl what happened" and then Carlie replie with. "Zach...kisss....alaina" I herd her saying in between sobs. "it's okay baby girl I've got you" Rudan said right after hearing that. "What a bitch he's inns pay for hurting my princess." wich scared me thy he was gonna actually hurt me but I didn't mind the princess part cause he means it Ina loving way seeing as he is really close to her and there like best friends cause they met at school a couple of years ago and they were close there too. I was thinking of a way to apologize to her when I heard the door unlock so I ran up to my room. I heard running footsteps behind me and tears were now streaming a river down my face. I don't want them to hate me. I turned a round to see Rudan an nick running towards me and Carlie in Edwin's arms crying. She was looking right at me with a hurt look and I mouthed "I'm sorry" and she just kept on crying. I closed my eyes and someone grabbed my arm.

Hey guys I know I updated early but hey I'm in the car for 4 hours and I had nothing to do but I only did a small part but it was really dramatic and a lot more is coming your way in the next part but I love you all and


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