Getting to know you

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Carlie's P.O.V
so we all got in the car and drive to Rudan's place it was an apartment but it was pretty nice if I say so my self, I mean yes anything looks nice seeing as I have lived in the dumb orphanage most of my life but it was actually really nice. " Okay so for now it's only gonna be me you and nick living here but in about a week we are going to have a house for all of us so me you and the rest of the guys but sometimes my best friend Maddie will stop bye and I think you guys will get along pretty well so yeah" Rudan said to me looking nervous. "Okay but one question?"
"Yeah what up baby girl" Rudan said witch made me so happy cause I haven't had a father figure to call me that in forever it just made me fell so special. "we're would I be staying?" I asked still having a cheesy smile. "You are sharing a room with me for while we are in this apartment." Rudan said while walking into his well our room. showing me were everything was. "and by the way you don't care if I call you baby girl right? I just felt like seeing as I'm your dad now it would be cool." Rudan said looking a little sad like he was ready to cry. "Yeah of course no one has said that to me the whole time in the orphanage and it means a lot" I told him while felling really special. " K alright we should be getting to bed so that we can wake up early and get breakfast with the guys". Okay I said in response to rudan. "Hey Carlie I love you baby girl" Rudan said to me while we both were falling asleep "I love you too dad sleep well" I said drifting into a deep dark sleep.

Hey sorry for a short chapter but it was deep and I couldn't think of anything else to say right now but I love you guys and

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!! (Love Edwin)

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