Why the fuck are you so cute?

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Maddie's P.O.V
"I really love shopping with you rudu" I said with a huge ass smile on my face. "yeah I do have an amazing scenes of style" he said in replie. it's been an hour and a half and everyone is meeting at the cafe. rudu and I were the first one down but 2 seconds after zach and Carlie came down and they looked like they were just talking and laughing. "BABY GIRL" rudu shouted out to Carlie "RUDU" Carlie shouted in replie. yeah we got a lot of mixed confused and dirty looks for that. a couple minutes later I heard someone scream from behind me "DADY IS HERE". I assume that it's Timmy but when I looked back it was nick. " What the hell was that for nick." I said to the stupid mermaid king. After a good five minutes we were all together and had gotten a larg cheese pizza. "Carlie give me a bit of that pwesse." Zach said obviously to Carlie in his girl voice. "uh your such a pig." Carlie said in replie to him. "I know right." we all said in harmony while zach had a sarcastic pouting face on. then a really cute dude came over to Carlie and said. "hey couldn't help but see your beautiful face from over there." pointing to were he was sitting witch wasn't to far away from us. "why thank you and your not to bad your self.". She said in reply to the random dude. "I'm daxton. and you are?" He asked Carlie. "o I'm Carlie ja- custodio" she said looking towards me and rudu. "well. Carlie custodio I have to go but I would really enjoy talking to you again so have this." The daxton dude said handing Carlie a paper. wich we all know obviously had his number on it. well the daxton dude went away and we all went silent for a good 4.5 seconds until zach wrapped his arms around Carlie and said. "your mine." we all smiled and said "awwwwee" to the cuteness. Then rudu, Timmy, Edwin, nick and I looked at each other in a devilish way and we all chanted out. "ZARLIE, ZARLIE, ZARLIE." haha bitches. "Guys stop." zach and Carlie said together. "awwwww" we all said again while those to we're trying to mock us. after like 10 minutes we all went live on younow and it consisted of us eating, talking randomly, zach staring at Carlie and Carlie and zach flirting back in forth not paying attention. we got lost in the broadcast talking about the big announcement broadcast on Friday until zach came up and said. "alright all of you close your ears and eyes except for carwie." he said in his baby voice. and obviously we did as we told but I didn't really close my ears and I heard zach say to carlie. "why the fuck are you so beautiful.". And Carlie saying in replie. "why the fuck are you talking about yourself until everything and the whole mall got silent.

Hey guys sorry I know it's short but tomorrow I'll have more I am really tired cause it's almost 3 in the morning but thank you guys so ducking much for 130 something reads it makes me so happy and makes my heart melt with love so u love you guys

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you guys (and Edwin)

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