Getting ready with the squad

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Maddies         P.O.V
Today all everyone is going on a dinner date as a family.  I am so excited.  Me Brookie and Carlie are going to be helping each other out on outfits because we all decided to make it a huge thing were all the guys were suits and all the girls wear dresses. And it won't be that hard because Brookie and Carlie love here and I sated the night so it's going to be amazing.  We are all leaving at 6:13 and it currently is 4:58. Damn there isn't going to be enough time I was in my thoughts thinking and then "hey Maddie are you gonna help over here or not" Carlie exclaimed.  "Yeah one sec" I said in replie.  I ran up the stairs grabbing my phone off of the charger.  Then Brookie came along and said. " k so were doing our dress then hair then makeup so pick out a dress" sharing didn't matter seeing as we are all the same size and we like all the same styles.  I picked a flowey dress that was a simple pink with a little ruffle and a pink bow in the middle to separate the pink with the top of the dress witch was a semi long sleeve grey and white striped.  Then Brookie chose her dress witch was a two separated color dress.  It looked a little like mine but hers was a tank top with a red bottom and a white belt to separate  the colors.  After Brookie it was Carlie,  she took a longer time than me and Brookie but after a while she came out with a really cute mint green-ish colored dress that was like a maxi dress and hers had a regular tan leather belt around her wait with really made
the dress look better.  "Omg  you guys look flawless" we all said to each other at the same exact time and laughing like crazy right after.  After about a few minutes of us just staring at each other Carlie finally cut in and said "okay you guys look like you are trying to do a suddle match." "Twinning" we said in unison while laughing our asses off again. "Alright now we need to do our hair, what's up with that?" I asked trying to move faster.  "Okay while you were down stairs me and Brookie were thinking and..." Carlie said. "O no you were thinking...I don't want to die to night ..why were you thinking." I said in replie being as sarcastic as possible.  " well we were thinking if you didn't cut us off for a sarcasm stunt since you don't were makeup except the occasional mascara.  You should go more into it with your hair." Brookie said.  So in replie I had to. "We'll miss stylist what do you have in mind" right after I said that Carlie pulled out a red and blue D.I.Y hair chock kit and a curling iron.  "I'm scared please lord don't kill me tonight" I said under my breath so they wouldn't hear me.  "Okay miss Maddie welbourn we are going to curl your hair and then put the hair chock in." My eyes got big as Brookie said that.  "but the reason we are curling it first Is because  a.  The chock will make the curls more suddle.  And b.  The chock and the heat on the hair will a. Damage your hair.  And b.  It could very possibly boil the chock and boil your hair and your hair falls out." I managed to keep my cool my Carlie blurted out this part.  "Okay just start" I said praying To god I won't die. After about a good 39 minutes all of our hair was done and it turned out fucking amazing. And we still have around a good 15 minutes to spare so we just hurried up and did our makeup wich didn't take to long seeing as all I wore was a nude  we shadow and red mascara Carlie wore a nude smokey eye with green mascara and lastly was Brookie who also wore a nude smokey eye but with a light blue mascara.  "You guys ready" we all got called down bye rudan.  We went down stairs and we were ready for a dinner date with the fam. 

Hey guys I know this is my longest chapter but when I update I am going to try making everything longer seeing as today .........................we got................... 1k reads on this.  I am so happy and proud an I just want to say thank you I love you all so friken much I just can't even explain.  You all mean the world to me and to see that I hit 1k I am mind blown.  I love you all and you mean the world to me an lastly dot

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(thank you so duke. Much.  I love you) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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