Daughters, tour dates and 5guy houses part 1

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Rudan's P.O.V
my hand is shaking as I clicked the go live button on the younow app. I don't know why I'm so scared but it's like the type of scare that you would get if you meeting your favorite person in the world. More and more people came in the broadcast and that ment the more and more I got shaky. we all went in a specific order saying...
"Hey guys"- me
"How is your day going" -Maddie
"As you can see today" - Timmy
"We have a lot of people here" -Edwin
" And we have a lot planned today" - nick
" We have announcments, surprises, challenges" - zach
"And we hope you enjoy, we love you all and want you to be happy of us so let's get started" - Carlie

"I'm Maddie" "And I'm carlie." "and we are the marlie sisters"
My two favorite girls in the world said

"I'm timmy" "I'm Rudan" "I'm Edwin" "I'm nick" "and I'm zach"
"And we are 5quad trenz,

"But all together we are 5quad + marlie."
We all announced to get everyone hyped. it's going pretty good so far but we didn't announce anything yet. but the first thing we are announcing is the house witch zach is announcing, I'm announcing that I adopted Carlie, Seeing as she is my daughter. Nick is announcing the tour. Edwin is announcing the Hoover boards. Maddie is announcing that everyone will be doing online schooling and lastly Timmy is announcing the give aways. I'm really excited

"Alright guys so now that you all know who we are we would like I tell you guys that we are all getting a house together in the middle of Austin and san Antonio Texas," he stopped for a pause so that he could gasp for air, take a sip of his water and intwine his and Carlie's fingers together. but tbh I ship them but if he breaks her heart he will die. "everyone will be living in this house all of 5quad and all of marlie witch if you don't know bye now it's Carlie and Maddie so yeah." He said coming back. "Rudan you shall go next" zach said To me in his Susan voice.
"Alright hey guys it your boy Rudan C you know when I say rudu you say dudu. you may have noticed a new addition to this family and I do not mean the cats i mean my little princess right her next to me carlie" I stopped to get air. "you might of been wondering what or who Carlie is seeing as she literally just came in to you guys with no warning or anything." Again stopping for air and also so that I'm holding Carlie's other hand that zach is not holding. " Carlie is my daughter."
The comment fleed with "omg" "yasssss" "slay" and "we love her already."
"I'm glad you guys like her and welcome her. but I adopted Carlie 4 days ago and she has already made a huge impact on all of are lifes..... if you can't tell." I said holding up me and zachs hands up still holding Carlie's. "But for those of you who dot like her deal with it cause she is here for ever." now nick has something a lot more crazy" We all started smiling like freaks and Carlie have us scared looks. lol she's gonna love it ..... I think
"Alright guys so today is the day we are going to make your dreams come true. how many many of you want to meet us?" Everyone started commenting yes. "well now is your chance because we are going to digi fest. So you guys can come and meet us so yeah go to digifest.com so you can go and get your tix to meet us "

Haha guys I love you so much you guys mean the world to me but I had to leave you at a cliff hanger I love you guys so much and hope you enjoy

SMILE!!!!!!!! (Please let me no if it annoying guys I live you and want you happy )

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