All a girl needs is money and shopping bags

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Edwin's P.O.V
" You guys we all have 147 dollars to spend" Rudan said to us all. we all screamed "he'll to the yeah". Yes I was really excited and all but I really like Maddie but I don't want to ruin me and Rudan's friend ship bye a stupid little crush. I don't know what made me start thinking this but it has got to stop. Rudan likes Maddie and Maddie likes Rudan. End of story. All of a sudden we were all drinking are Starbucks and Rudan said..... "okay so we're going to break into groups." "I choose Carlie." Zach said as soon as he could. "okay so it's gonna be me and Maddie, zach and Carlie, and Timmy ,nick and Edwin. we all good?" Rudan said in replie. "m'k" We all answered at the same time. After all that mess we all split up into are groups and got on with our shopping.

Carlie's P.O.V
zach sure did said my name really fucking fast after Rudan said "groups". What ever I don't really care I get to learn more about him, do what I love what is shopping and. Admire zachs cuteness. I mean.... wait what was I talking about. It was a little to quiet so to cut the silence I said... " so mr.clayton, tell me about yourself" "Well me and you are the same age 15, I am a younow broadcaster, I love my life and I am very intimidated by the fact I am standing next to one of the most beautiful girls in the world." he said in replie. wow does he really think that? "Awwww thank you very much I'm flattered" I said to stop me from blushing like a freak. "I'm sorry if I made you fell weird but sometimes my mind comes out of my mouth" he said looking nervously like he just got told his mom died. "it's okay I think it's cute. Now tell me more about this younow thing you mentioned?" I said to make it at least a little less awkward. "well younow is this live broadcasting thing I do it pretty simple and if you want we could go live right now" zach said with a huge bright smile witch I'm pretty sure is as bright as the sun. "okay" I said with a small grin. "and the people are literally my family, I love them so much and they are the sweetest people on this planet" he said pulling up the app younow and hitting the go live button. I watched the comments as more and more people were joining the broadcast. all the comments were reading. " who's she? She's so pretty. are you two dating?" Witch that one really made me smile. "damn Clayton not to bad and no guys were not dating we just meet like 2days ago" When I said that we weren't dating zachs big sun bright smile went to a devilish frown. "but don't tell them how we meet yet cause Rudan wants to say it in a huge announcement broadcast on Friday". Zach whispered to me so they couldn't tell what he was saying. "okay I won't don't worry I'm good with that stuff" I said in reply to him. he laughed a little and we got on to our shopping and broadcasting. About an hour later zach got off of the broadcast and we were just talking about life. it was really friken deep. "hey carlie". Zach said to me "yeah what up" I said in replie. "I really really like you." He answered. I hugged him for a good 3 minutes then let go and intwined our fingers together and said. "I really really like you too clayton. I really do"

Hey guys so I was going to leave you at a cliffhanger and wait to have Carlie say that he likes him too but I couldn't do that to you guys or me so yeah but omg we are almost at 100 reads an you do not know how happy that makes me. Thank you so much and I love you all the the moon and back


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