Lets just chill

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Zachs P.O.V
Carlie definitely picked an amazing place to go out to eat, it was like this Hawaiian themed place at it was really chill. "hey Carlie why don't you tell us a little about yourself" I said in my British accent. " Well I'm 14 turning 15 years old. My fave color is mint green or red. Hawaii is my happy place. I love riding my penny board and yeah so all together I'm basically just a typical white girl. " Carlie said in response to what I said. "You seem really cool we should go skate together sometime" Nick no dick said to her. that lil bitch better not steal Carlie from me, I mean she's not officially mine but I will make her be mine.

Rudan's P.O.V
that lil bitch zach better stop staring at my little girl she is my daughter and I don't want my baby to get hurt cause zach talks to literally every girl he can find. he is a thirsty lil mo-fo (no hate to zach I love him)
Alright guys are we ready I o to the mall now? "Yeah". Everyone said insink. "Oh yeah Maddie might meet us there also". Yeah I finally get to meet her I can not wait". Carlie and Edwin said. I totally forgot that Edwin never meet her and I also forgot that we just adopted Carlie yesturday. I we'll

Maddies P.O.V
I am so friken excited to meet Edwin and Carlie, last night Rudan would not stop talking about Carlie and how he wanted me to meet her. From what I heard of her she seems really friken cool. I parked at the mall and got out of the car. I saw all the guys and Carlie and I ran to them all. But right before I got to cross the street to get to them everything went black

Haha cliff hanger sorry for that but I love you guys and

SMILE!!!!!!!!! (Edwin is life)

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