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Nicks P.O.V
I'm trying to plan the surprise adoption for Brookie and Rudan is helping me. I am so scared because I really want her to be happy and I want her to have the best life possible. "your gonna be a great father nick" Rudan said to me. I think he could tell I was nervous. "thanks but do you think Brookie will be happy?" I asked in replie. "hell yeah I mean you already do act like a father daughter relationship." he said. "thanks bro I just don't want her to have the type of life I had." I said with a look of despare in my eyes. we finished up with the poster and it looked bomb af it read out on the top "welcome to the 5quad bean family Brookie we come in peace" with glitter mermaids llamas and zebras on it and I think she like it cause we have this little joke that she comes in peace because the first time we met her we were scared of her seeing as she broke a dudes back cause he touched her ass and she also was dressed in all black that the top said touch me you die cause I don't have my tea. Wich is pretty funny cause she is British . But yeah we were all scared of her and when she came in the house, everyone was staring at her so she said. "hello I am a human being named Brookie I'm best friends with Carlie and I come I'm peace." and then we all loved her so yeah but I think she'll love it.

Zachs P.O.V
"I really think that she'll like it bro" I said to nick trying to cheer him up. "thanks but I don't want to mess up" he said in return. "what is there to mess up nick our amazing and she loves you you have that father daughter relationship down already and sometimes it gets pretty creepy if I say so my self" I said trying to no seem wierd. I really know she will like it plus Carlie will be happier and when Carlie's happy I'm happy because she means the world to me.

Rudan's P.O.V
we all are trying to help nick the best we can with this little surprise. actually it's not small it's pretty big cause that means that nick will be an actually father he will be in charge of a living breathing human beings body. Wow when I think about it that way then it's sound scary but it's not as bad seeing as I am a father too. wow that seems wired to say seeing as I have never touched a girl never mind getting her pregnant all I did was go to the orphanage and adopt her. now I'm just imagining how much work people actually go threw just so that they can have a child. a loving breathing human being living in there family. wow.

Hey guys I'm so sorry it's hella short and bad right now cause I'm sure tiers and I can't really think straight right now but I didn't update yesterday so I had to update today I couldn't leave you guys 2 days in a row with out an update cause I can't let you guys down. I live you and to the moon and back

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!! ( o yeah today I got to hangout with llama and zebras witch reminded me of zach cause I am a ZEBRUH so yeah that happened but love you)

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