All a girl need is a girl party part 2

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Zachs moms P.O.V (Didn't expect that did you?)
I packed all my things in the car and drive off the the girl party maddies putting on with me, my mom (zachs nana), Carlie and Brookie. It's s pretty long drive seeing as it's in San Antonio and I live in Austin But it's pretty nice because I get the time to my self were I can listen to more of my music and think about what ever the hell I want.
I came to a stop and the place/ address Maddie sent to me. it was so beautiful it was on a beach and all the houses were so amazing. I got out of the car got my bag and walked the beach line to the beach house "girls I'm here " I said practically yelling so they could all hear me in the big house. everyone was already here because Maddie already picked the girls up and it isn't as long of a drive from the guys place to here. "hey mama" they all yelled at me. "so do we all want to go on the beach?" Maddie asked hike we all were just fretting each other "sure" we all replied in unison. we all got changed and walked to the beach. me and my mom walked one way while all the others went the other way.

Brooke's P.O.V
"Maddie this is literally the best I am so glad we could do this to get away from everything today." I said to start a conversation. "yeah i know stuff has been going crazy in the house dealing with all the Hoover boards schooling tour giveaway and all that shiz so I thought it wails be an amazing get away" she replied. Looking scared, shocked, happy and overwhelmed Carlie decided to join in and say. "Hey let's go surfing, yeah? M'k well let's go I'll go get the boards." wow she looked at someone and got all crazy what next she sees Joey graceffa and just decided she wants to die?. "May I ask what the hell your doing" Maddie asked her what both of us were thinking. "nothing I just really wanna surf". She said more hyped up almost as someone just told her that she was rich got a huge house boat and anything else she wanted until of getting married to Joey. "okay" we both said looking at each later with the same questioning looks.

I'm so sorry it's a bad update but I'm falling asleep writing this and need sleep next chapter will be part 2 continued so that I don't break my promise. but I love you all and

SMILE !!!!!!!!!!!! (Good night my little babes ❤️❤️💤💤💤😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴😴

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