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M'k guys I'm just gonna rant about the zach drama.  I think it's really stupid the fact that people are now hating on zach for kissing and cuddling a girl.  And right now if your mad or don't like zach anymore cause of it have have something's to tell you 1. Your really friken immature 2. Your a fake faM. And 3. Stop reading this and gtfo.  He should not have to be sorry for being a 15 year old boy who has hormones. It's something everyone has and if you don't agree than you are a stupid cunt.  Zach is an amazing person and shouldn't get off a plane not even fully awake and want to cry because of something that happened.  He is 15 years old an if his mom isn't mad about it you shouldn't be mad about it.  He is one of the most mature people I know of that age and he knows what is right and wrong things to do.  He is one of the best people in the world and he means the world to me.  If you arnt supporting him anymore than you know what that's actually good cause that's the more he knows who his true /really supporters are and he knows the people he should cut out of his life.  Don't sit there and hate him cause he is a freaking 15 year old hormonal kid. He is just like every other person in the world but the difference is that he has followers and you don't.  (Yes I know Timmy said that) so just saying I love zach and will always love him and if he's happy I'm happy that's all that matters and when he's happy I'm even happier because he is what keeps me here today along with the other guys(5quad for all you fake faMs) and I'm not happy when he's not happy so for all of you reading this pit down in the comments what you think.  Imma keep doing me and supporting my favorite human beings of earth 5quad while you keep doing you weather it's being an ignorant both or supporting the people you love just know I love you all this was more words than most of my chapters and don't

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!! ( I'm hella ZEBRUH af❤️👌🍑) 

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