Dont apologize just tell me the truth

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Carlie's.        P.O. V
We got off the plain and went to were we were staying I felt weird seeing as before I saw the house Daniel spun we around and pulled the bandana I was wearing down to my eyes so that I was now blindfolded and couldn't see anything. It was 2 minutes later when he took the blind fold off and spun me back around it was an amazing beautiful shack looking house aka my dream house I was happy and stuff at first but than I saw what I thought was my family than I was happy again cause of all of my favorite you tubers and viners were there.  So I just didn't pay attention to anyone that I lived with and went to talk to people.  I was surprised I was holding conversations with all of these people without fangirling super hard.  By the end of the night I was pretty good friends with a lot of the people me and Jordan jones we're practically best friends and Jordan Hayes Daniel Chloe Paige and I already were already known as the 404 squad lol I know right stupid squad name but actually it's pretty funny cause for us it's like an inside joke cause we always are joking about how we either made in error in a message or we made in error anytime  so we were error 404 squad.  Okay it doesn't sound as cool on paper but you just have to be here to understand I guess.  It was getting really late so I was heading up to bed but when I announced it rudan said he wanted to talk to me for a minute.  Ugh what does he want "listen I wanted to apologize I didn't mean to say that I was drunk and didn't mean anything I said " he was saying.  I'm pretty sure he was still talking but I cut him off "listen I don't want you to apologize I want to know the truth"

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