Hartbreaker zach part 2

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Rudan's P.O.V
I can not believe zach would do this to my baby girl. she is my little angle and I will not stand for anyone to hurt her like this. Carlie really liked him and he had do be the lil bitch ass Thot he is and cheat on her with Alaina. I don't know what I'm imma do to him. I'm not gonna hurt him.
I grabbed his arm and tears were streaming down his face. "leave you are no longer allowed in this house hold" I said felling a tear roll down my face. I love zach like a brother and he is my best friend but he hurt my baby and I don't stand for it. he slowly walk out of the apartment and looked back at Carlie with a desperate look on his face and he mouthed something like. "I'm sorry, I love you and i didn't mean it, pleas forgive me".


"hey Timmy do you know we're Carlie and Edwin are?" I asked getting really nervous. no one new were they were so I knew there was only one place they could be and I know I have to do something I should've done right after I said what I said.

Zachs P.O.V
I was sitting at home with my face down crying my heart out. I can't believe what happened. I love Carlie she means the world to me. she is my love and life and I can not lose her like this over something my ex put up as a little stunt to break carlie. all of a sudden after a good 7 minutes of me thinking about how I can apologize to everyone I heard a knock on my door. "I'm not in the mood right now come back later pleas" I said assuming it was my mom or Matt. "no zach it's me we need to talk" I heard a very recognizable voice saying in between snuffles. I shot up as fast I could and opened the door. I jump in Carlie's arms. "Carlie I am so so sorry, it was my ex- I thought it was you so I kissed back but then I heard you crying and I realized it was her. I love you so much, you mean the world to me and you always make my day you always know how to make me smile when I'm down and you are just perfect I would never do something like that to hurt you pleas pleas forgive me I'm begging you I love you to the moon and back and even up to Jupiter and back but pleas forgive me" I whispered into her ear crying harder than I ever had before still in the tightest hug I could give her. "it's okay zach I love you too. I can not believe Rudan kicked you out. but seriously I love you so much and I forgive you I know you would never purposely do that to me, your to sweet and perfect" Carlie whispered back to me and hugging me harder than I hugged her and I could hear her crying her eyes out so I kept on holding her in my arms with the tightest grip so no one could ever rip her away from me. we both let go after about 15 minutes o just cuddling when there was a knock at the door. Rudan came in and I could just feel my face go pale. "Daddy pleas don't do anything to add to what you've already done and I'm not going back tonight I'm staying here with zach, apryll said it all cool." Carlie announced standing up to Rudan. "no no you are not all three of you are coming back to the apparat ment and we are going to have an apologies pizza party." Rudan said with an expression of despare. like he just ran over someone. "really". I said trying not to look to excited. "yes zach, I'm sorry for what I did to you ad I knew none of us could live without you next to us every step of the way. I love you bro and pleas come back to the apartment" Rudan said in replie to my comment.

Hey guys 2 updates in one day 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀 but haha I left you guys off on a cliff hanger. sorry I had to. So I love you all and hope you enjoy my story and like the rest that's coming your way with this story. I love you all to the moon and back


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