You play to much

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Carlie's P.O.V
"So yo-you actually want to adopt me? But why." I said to the guys I found out there names were Rudan, who would be my dad, nick, timmy, edwin and lastly zach who to be completely honest was pretty fine if I tell you my self. but back to the convo "of course we want I adopt you why would we be here if we didn't." I don't know to adopt one of the stupid baby's like every other stupid couple that comes in here. I told Rudan and he looked like he wanted to brake down laughing. "we'll um first of all I don't believe that 5 guys could be a couple, second of all were all straight (except nick) Rudan whispers to me. and third of all, I wanted a teen girl so that I wouldn't have to give you the talk and teach you about all the girl Stuff." Rudan said a little snobby "yeah that must be a lot of work." I said awkwardly.

Rudan's P.O.V
I don't want to hurt her bye telling her that it's all a publicity stunt but the hope in her eyes I don't want to tell her that we don't really want her. whatever I'll find a way to figure all of this mess out but for now "Alright everyone help Carlie get her bags in the car and hop in.
All I know is that we better not get to attached, I said to my self in a sigh

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