Daughters,tour dates and 5guys houset part 2

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I am updating early because I have to leave very early in the morning tomorrow so I have to go to sleep earlier so yeah

Edwin's P.O.V
" Alright guys so you all know how we are on digi right?" I had to say for the broadcast. everyone was commenting yes. "alright so we are getting those Hoover boards but the thing is we're getting them for free because of digi and we are supper excited but that's it," I said right after but literally that's it but I couldn't stop thinking of maddie.

Maddies P.O.V
"alright so now I would like to teach you somtiing... phsyc we ain't teaching you shit matter of fact we ain't learning shit either because guess what we are all going to be doing online school. and you know that also means? More broadcast" I said with all the excitement I had. I am do happy that we're not going to real school any more it bout to be hyped af

Timmy's P.O.V
i took a sip of my Arizona and then started speaking. "hey guys imma sound like a commercial one sec. " I cleared my throat. "do you want a brand new Hoover board or apple watch or even a new Mac book pro? Well here's your chance all you need to do for us to give you one of these is be a fan if us, than like every single one of our YouTube videos, And then in te comment below spam what ever one of these you would want and then we will pic a winner for each if these special offers." damn I think I disk good with that. everyone was commenting amazing things and are all hyped ad I am so happy there happy

Hey guys sorry or the horrible chapter with horrible quality. I am rushing and multi tasking while I finish packing. but I have no clue if I will be able to update this week. I will try as hard as I can I do it but I may not have time or wifi to update in Pennsylvania but I love you all to the moon and back

SMILE !!!!!!!!!

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