All of our point of views

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Hey just letting you guys know this is probably gonna be short cause it's just gonna be them getting ready for the broadcast so yeah love you❤️❤️❤️ and tomorrow will be the big announcement broadcast so get excited...

Rudan's P.O.V
today is Friday and I'm a little scared for the broadcast cause I'm gonna tell them all of how I adopted Carlie and I'm going to tell Carlie about going on tour. I hope she will be happy but I really am scared for all of this craziness

Nicks P.O.V
I'm pretty excited and scared for this broadcast at the same time lol but it's gonna be pretty cool. I know we're gonna have so much fun because rudu is telling everyone about Carlie girl and also telling Carlie about the tour witch that part scares the Sara out of me and you know it's Sara no h because h's are eww (lol guys I had to say that and if you know what that's from please comment it)
But any ways.. wait that's all that's on my mind...... da fuq

Timmy's P.O.V
I'm really excited for this broadcast it is going to be one of the best... or never know what can happen..... Jesus....what the hell am I talking about I'm really fucking excited
Bro...... wait what if someone is hearing me think and is a girl..... mind convos with Timmy and un known... I think I need therapy...huh?

Edwin's P.O.V
Yes I'm really scared for the broadcast but all I can think about is my fellings for Maddie..... fuck Rudan with his Asian one inch wonder dick

Zachs P.O.V
I am really excited for everyone to know about rudu adopting carlie. it's gonna be the best because she is really the best and I love her so friken much. plus I'm 1 excited about the fact I'm going to be on tour with the guys and carlie. and 2 the fact that in a week I will be living with Carlie and the guys. but mostly carlie. I'm thinking about asking her out on an actually date seeing as we haven't officially gone on a date or actually officially said we even were going out. whatever she's mine and if she texts that daxton bitch from yesterday imma kill that daxton bitch and have him gone forever and ever so I can have carlie. damn I think I'm in love

Maddie and Carlie's P.O.V
"Omg I'm so excited." Maddie said while we were both getting ready. " I know right it's literally going to be the best." I said in replie. "but what if the fams don't like it and get mad at the fact I'm living with all the guys and call me a slut. I mean I already get called one enough without them knowing." I said again with my thoughts. And the Maddie said afterwards " babe who ever thinks your a slit is dumb as shit because you are one of the cleanest people I've ever met. plus Rudan is your dad so that would be awkward lol.". "Yeah thanks babe." I said lastly in response finishing my makeup while Rudan called everyone saying "guys it's time to go live."

Hey guys thank you so much for reading this I seriously love you all so much and it means the world to me and get excited for that big broadcast tomorrow so

SMILE!!!!!!!! (Please comment if that annoys you I want you guys happy not annoyed.)

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