Everything is better in love and adoption?

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Nicks            P.O.V
God I am so nervous.  I saw there car pulling up in the drive way and I told everyone to get in places.  Now before you think of anything, no I did not make a set of things and put people in places like a set.  I put everyone in different spots to scare Brookie.  I turned the lights down for the disco to come show and then I heard the door open.  " what the actual heck" I heard Brookie say in a Miranda voice.  "Surprise baby girl" I said popping out of the huge poster.  Tears started falling from her eyes and she jumped into my arms "thank you so much nick" she managed to say in between sniffles. 

Carlie's        P.O.V
I can not believe my best friend is going to be my sister.  This is going to be the best thing in the whole entire world.  Me and Maddie were talking about how amazing our sleep overs  are gonna be when rudan came up to me and said "hey baby girl can you go check and see if the air conditioner in your room is on please." "I mean it's weird but sure" I replied while walking upstairs to my room.  It smelt like smoke so I was really scared and I walk into my room.  When I got in tears were falling from my eyes. " o my god" I said staring at a crying zach and a poster that said be mine baby girl and also candles around it saying I'm sorry princess. I walked over to him and kissed him.  I hope he knows that means yes.  " so Carlie rose custodio,  may you please be my amazing girlfriend." Zach said whipping my tears away.  "Yes and Zachary reed Clayton,  will you please be my amazing boyfriend." I said "ye baby girl now let's go down to the party." He said wich made me smile 100 times more than I already was. 

Zachs              P.O.V
I am so happy that she said yes.  She really means the world to me and "Carlie custodio I love you ." I said in hope she would say back "Zachary Clayton I love you more."  Wich she did and with that we cuddled the rest of the night and fell asleep with huge smiles going threw everyone's faces. 

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