Wanting but not needing you

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Carlie's                    P.O.V
Its been 2 weeks since we got out of the hospital and everything was going great.  Me and zach are getting closer and I have starting my girl problems.  I woke up at like 2 in the morning from the guys getting back and them being loud.  I went down stairs and hugged my dad cause I missed him but he said something I never thought he would have said and it hurt like a bitch he said.  " get the fuck off of me slut we didn't even want you the only reason we have you still is so we get more publicity now get the fuck off of me and go fucking cut yourself so you can die bitch". With that I did as he said I ran up to my room with tears streaming down my face.  I grabbed my pillow and grabbed my blade out of the back.  1 cute for believing he loved me 2 for breathing 3 for him calling me a cut 4 for all the hate and 5 for living.  After my cuts stopped bleeding I called Daniel and told him I was coming over.  After about 5 minutes  I heard the door bell rang. I made sure everyone was in there rooms and then ran down to Daniel who was outside as quiet as possible. 

Daniels              P.OV
I got to Carlie's house really worried cause she sounded like she was crying like A LOT at 2 in the morning and I care to much to not go see what's wrong.  We got to my house and I had to figure out what was wrong so I asked her" hey Carl's you don't have to answer if you don't want to but what's wrong princess". And she told me everything that happened.  I couldn't believe her own father would say all that to her because yes he was drunk but drum lies are sober truths that your afraid to say.  It was getting really late so I told her just to stay the night here and I would bring her back home tomorrow.  We watched movies and she fell asleep.  I'm gonna talk to rudan when I drop her off tomorrow.  I can't stand seeing her like this so broken and sad.  It kills me so much.  She's amazing and deserves better.  

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