Sometimes girls only need girl parties

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Maddies P.O.V
I am so excited for the party I'm having it's gonna be me, carlie, apryll (zachs mom), Kelly (zachs nana) and Brookie (Carlie's best friend sorry didn't announce her yet.) witch reminded me, I really need to text Rudan about it cause it's tomorrow. Lol. I grabbed my phone off my bed and texted Rudan saying "hey can Carlie and Brookie come over my house tomorrow night. were having a girls night and zachs mom and nana are coming so it will be pg14 lol." After about 2seconds I got a replie. "yeah of course they love you plus I need to get them off my hands so that I can plan the surprise about how nick is going to adopt Brookie" "kk I'll be over in 15 mins" I said in response so that I could help the girls pack.
I went inside the apartment and ran up to Carlie's room, I didn't have to knock or anything because Rudan gave me a spare key. "And the packing queen helper is here to the rescue". I heard Brookie say as she opened the door. "Yes she is and i brought candie." I said entering her room. "thanks madds" Carlie said to me looking stressed as all hell. "alright you go enjoy the candy and watch some movies there all in my purse while I will pack everything for you" I said so I could life the stress off her back. I heard the door open again and heard a voice say. "Hey carlie, I really need to think of a cute name to call you seeing as Edwin and Rudan took all the good ones." yeah it was definitely zach I thought to myself. I finished up my packing-well Carlie's paking. and joined everyone down stairs watching if I stay (one of my fave movies,). Zach and Carlie were cuddling. nick and Brookie were cuddling (not in a bad way seeing as he is going to be her father and she looks up to him like a father) Edwin, Timmy and Rudan were just sitting together so me being me I just quietly laid across all three of them and to be completely honest was pretty comfy. The movie ended and everyone was asleep except me and it was really cute so I quickly got up and took a picture and posted it on Instagram before going to lay down on the chair that no one uses but me. I started to spam some faM accounts (😉) and stalk some people as a slowly drifted asleep seeing as it was 2 in the morning.

zachs P.O.V
I woke up and saw every one asleep cuddling so I decided to take a group selfie seeing as I was in the front an could see everyone and also I wouldn't wake carlie. she was so cute. but I got Carlie and me cuddling in the picture as well as everyone else and posted it on Instagram with the caption "last night movie night with all the babes 😘✌️" then cuddled Carlie even more while stalking some faM accounts on insta seeing as I never go on Instagram. About an hour later everyone was waking up and we all decided to go to ihop.

Nicks P.O.V
i am so excited I am going to be adopting Brookie in 2days. I hope she's happy in adopting her we already act like we're father and daughter plus I've always wanted to be a father. and then my thoughts got rudely intruded when we got to IHOP

Hey guys so we have a new character so let's welcome Brookie. I love you guys so friken much I can't explain but I hope you all enjoy and there will be a part 2 after the next chapter but it's gonna be like the guys part and then part to were it's the girl party but other than that

SMILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I love you )

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