The chossen one

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Nicks P.O.V
"I don't know how I feel about this but if it gets us more publicity than I'm in" I said a little nervous "I don't know guys what if it dosnt go as planned" Edwin mumbled a little. I still don't know cause what if we all get attached and don't want to get rid of her. But we all know that we can't keep her cause if we keep her it would just be a mess. "I think it's a bad idea cause what if we get attached and don't want to get rid of her". Zach announced. wow I thought I was the only one who thought that. o we'll guess not.

Rudan's P.O.V
alright everyone come on let's get going we want to make it so they don't close for the day. we all went in the car and played the music of course wich I don't know why seeing as all of us were just on our phones anyways. we go to the orphanage and a lady named Avery greeted us at the door. "Hello welcome to the Texas axis orphanage (not a real orphanage) my name is Avery and how may I assist you today?" she seemed nice I guess. " Hi well I'm we are looking to adopt a teenage girl". I told the lady so we could hurry up and get out of this place. seriously I don't know how children live here it's not dark and nasty. " Okay I will be right back in two minute just wait right here". The orphanage bitc- I mean owner said interrupting me mid thought. we ended up walking in a huge theatre type of room. there were a bunch of kids but that Avery chick said there was one more girl that had to come. we waited another 2-3 minutes and the girl walked in. she really stood our to me and I'm pretty sure the guys too seeing as there eyes were bugging out of there heads. I mean yeah she stood out cause she was late but she had her penny board in her hand a chipotle bag on one arm holding a Starbucks cup and immediately going on her phone and taking a selfie. " I think we found our girl." Timmy said for the first time today. "I-I agree". Zach replied. alright that's the one we want her, pointing to the girl who seemed perfect. " Okay I'll give you the papers you can interview her and have her pack up". That Avery chick said to us all. Avery called the girl over to us so that we could interview her apparently her name is Carlie and she's already all packed up. "hi I'm Carlie." Our new daughter came up to us with a hopefully smile bright on her face.

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