Hospital buddys

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Zachs              P.O.V
I woke up in a hospital bed.  And looked to my side to a very cute Carlie already awake and watching Netflix.  Of course it had to be teen wolf.  "Good morning little Wolf lover princess" I said and she shot back with "um actually it's after noon and thank you for the compliment my vampire prince" God she knows me so well.  "Haha princess and what time is it" I replied and then she said back "10:34" wow that's late.  "No come here I want to cuddle with my prince for the first time in 3 days" "okay" I said as I got up and went to cuddle with her  but something got me "hey Carl's what did you mean by 3 days" I said again. And she replied with "well you were in a coma for 2 days and this is the 3rd day.  "Wow" "yeah " she replied. 

Rudans             P.O.V
I woke up in the hospital and I didn't know what to do.  What's going on why am I here and why do I see zach and my baby girl Carlie having a deep make out session.  My little girl better not lie about it.  And zach better not hurt her or try to use her just for sex.  I love them both and I don't want them hurt.  " hey don't try to pull one on her Clayton" I decided to say so I didn't have to witness this.  "I won't Rudu your little girl means the world to me " he replied back.  Why does he have to be a gentleman.  "Goodnight Dady love you" Carlie budded in to the convo.  "Good night baby girl and sleep well don't let this little devil hurt or pull one on you." I said.  "I won't" she replied "we're all hospital buddies" I said as I hopped into there bed together.  God best dad awards go to me. Aren't I God !! 

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