Chapter 11

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The next morning, the group gathered in the lodge's common area, excitedly discussing their plans for the day. Taesan, Woonhak, Riwoo, and Sungho had their sights set on the more advanced slopes, eager to challenge themselves.

"Leehan, Jaehyun, you guys coming with us?" Taesan asked, adjusting his gear.

Leehan shook his head. "I think we'll stick to the beginner slopes and maybe do some exploring around the resort."

Jaehyun nodded in agreement, trying to hide his nervousness. Spending the day alone with Leehan was both thrilling and terrifying.

"Alright, have fun!" Riwoo said, giving them a thumbs up. "We'll catch up later."

The group split up, leaving Jaehyun and Leehan to their own devices. They started the day with a few easy runs, enjoying the fresh snow and the serene beauty of the slopes.

"You're getting better," Leehan complimented as they rode the ski lift back up the hill.

Jaehyun smiled, his cheeks flushing from more than just the cold. "Thanks. It's been a lot of fun."

After a few more runs, they decided to take a break and explore the resort. They wandered through the charming village, stopping at small shops and admiring the festive decorations. The atmosphere was cheerful, filled with the laughter of other vacationers and the twinkling of holiday lights.

In the afternoon, they found a cozy café and settled in with hot drinks and pastries. The conversation flowed easily, covering everything from their classes to their favorite memories of the semester. Jaehyun found himself relaxing, enjoying Leehan's company without the usual anxiety.

"This has been a great trip," Jaehyun said, stirring his hot chocolate. "I'm glad we decided to come."

"Me too," Leehan agreed, taking a sip of his coffee. "It's nice to just hang out and not worry about anything."

As the day turned into evening, they decided to head back to the lodge. On their way, Leehan suggested stopping by a nearby convenience store to pick up some snacks for the night.

The store was small but well-stocked, filled with an assortment of treats and essentials. They wandered the aisles, joking and debating over which snacks to get. Jaehyun found himself laughing more than he had in a long time, the weight of his worries lifting with each passing moment.

"Let's get these," Leehan said, holding up a bag of chips and a box of cookies. "And maybe some ramen for later."

Jaehyun nodded, grabbing a few more items. "Sounds good to me."

At the checkout counter, Leehan insisted on paying, waving off Jaehyun's protests. "Consider it a thank-you for the company today."

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With their bags of snacks in hand, Jaehyun and Leehan decided to eat at the convenience store's small dining area rather than return to the lodge immediately. They found a cozy corner and spread out their feast—chips, cookies, ramen, and hot drinks.

"This was a good idea," Leehan said, taking a bite of his ramen. "I love these little stores; they always have the best snacks."

Jaehyun nodded, feeling a warmth in his chest from more than just the hot food. "Yeah, it's nice to just relax and eat like this."

They chatted casually, enjoying their meal and the quiet atmosphere of the store. After finishing their food, they decided to take a stroll through the village, the festive lights and gentle snowfall creating a magical ambiance.

As they walked, Jaehyun felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement. The closeness of their time together made his heart race, and every little moment seemed to carry extra weight.

At one point, Jaehyun tripped over a loose cobblestone, and Leehan instinctively reached out to catch him, their bodies momentarily pressed together.

"Careful there," Leehan said, steadying him with a grin. "You okay?"

Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat, his face flushing. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

They continued walking, the village quiet around them. The intimacy of the moment lingered in Jaehyun's mind, making him acutely aware of Leehan's presence beside him.

As they passed a small park, Leehan suggested they take a seat on a bench to rest. They sat side by side, the silence between them comfortable yet charged with unspoken emotions.

"This place is really beautiful," Leehan remarked, looking around at the softly falling snow and twinkling lights.

"It is," Jaehyun agreed, his voice barely above a whisper. He turned to look at Leehan, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'm glad we came here."

Leehan smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Me too. It's been a great day."

As they sat there, the world seemed to narrow to just the two of them, the rest of the village fading into the background. Jaehyun felt an overwhelming urge to confess his feelings but held back, afraid of ruining the moment.

Instead, he settled for savoring the closeness, the shared warmth in the cold night air. They talked quietly, their conversation meandering from their favorite memories of the trip to their hopes for the coming semester.

When it grew late, they reluctantly decided to head back to the lodge. As they walked, Jaehyun tripped again, this time on a patch of ice. Leehan caught him once more, their faces inches apart.

"You really need to watch where you're going," Leehan teased, his breath visible in the cold air.

Jaehyun laughed nervously, his cheeks burning. "Yeah, I guess I do."

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