Chapter 26

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The dining room of Hana's family home was warm and inviting, filled with the rich aroma of homemade dishes. Leehan sat at the table, surrounded by Hana's family, but his mind was far from the present. He kept replaying the earlier encounter with Jaehyun, hearing the raw pain in his voice, seeing the tears streaming down his face.

"Leehan?" Hana's mother called, her voice breaking through his thoughts. "Would you like more stew?"

Leehan blinked, realizing too late that he had been staring blankly at his plate. "Oh, uh, yes, please. Thank you."

Hana's father chuckled. "You seem a bit distracted, young man. Everything alright?"

Leehan forced a smile, feeling Hana's concerned gaze on him. "Yes, sir. Just a lot on my mind."

The dinner continued, but Leehan's responses were automatic, his thoughts drifting back to Jaehyun. He barely tasted the food, each bite feeling like a chore as his stomach churned with unease.

After dinner, Hana led Leehan out to the balcony. The cool night air was refreshing, but it did little to calm the turmoil inside him. They stood side by side, looking out at the twinkling city lights.

"You've been awfully quiet tonight," Hana said softly, her voice tinged with concern. "Is something bothering you?"

Leehan hesitated, glancing at Hana. He knew he couldn't tell her about Jaehyun's confession. It would only complicate things, and he didn't want to hurt her. "It's just... school stuff. A lot of assignments piling up."

Hana frowned, not entirely convinced but not wanting to press him further. "You've seemed different lately. Like you're not really here, even when we're together."

Leehan sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry, Hana. I don't mean to be distant. There's just a lot going on."

Hana looked down, her fingers nervously playing with the edge of her dress. "I know we have our ups and downs, but I feel like... I don't know, like we're drifting apart."

Leehan's heart ached at her words. He reached out, taking her hand in his. "I don't want that. I care about you, Hana. More than you know."

She looked up at him, her eyes searching his for any sign of the truth. "Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?"

Leehan squeezed her hand, trying to reassure her. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Just... give me a little time to sort things out. I promise I'll be better."

Hana nodded, though her worry didn't entirely dissipate. "Okay. But please, don't shut me out."

Leehan nodded, pulling her into a gentle hug. As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Leehan's mind drifted once again to Jaehyun. He couldn't shake the image of his best friend's tear-streaked face, the pain in his voice. And he knew, deep down, that things couldn't continue like this. Something had to change.

Leehan held Hana, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken truths and a friendship that hung in the balance.

• ─────────── •

The university campus was bustling with activity as students returned for the start of a new school week. The air was filled with the chatter of friends catching up, the rustling of notebooks, and the occasional laughter echoing through the hallways. Jaehyun walked slowly, his steps heavy with the burden of the previous days. He had barely slept, the confrontation with Leehan playing on a loop in his mind.

As he approached the entrance of the main building, he saw groups of students gathered, exchanging weekend stories and discussing upcoming assignments. He spotted Riwoo and Sungho waiting by the entrance, their expressions brightening as they saw him.

"Hey, Jaehyun!" Riwoo called out, waving him over. "How are you feeling?"

Jaehyun forced a smile, trying to push the exhaustion from his face. "I'm alright. Just tired, you know, from all the studying."

Sungho patted his back. "Don't worry, we'll get through this week together. And remember, if you need anything, we're here."

Jaehyun nodded, grateful for their support. They entered the building, blending into the flow of students. As they walked to their first class, Jaehyun couldn't help but glance around, half-expecting to see Leehan. His heart ached at the thought of another awkward encounter.

In their shared lecture hall, Jaehyun chose a seat at the back, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. Riwoo and Sungho sat on either side of him, their presence a comforting shield. The professor began the lecture, but Jaehyun found it hard to concentrate. His mind wandered, replaying the events of the weekend.

Midway through the lecture, the door creaked open, and Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat. Leehan walked in, his eyes scanning the room. Jaehyun quickly looked down, pretending to take notes, his pulse quickening. Leehan took a seat at the front, his back to Jaehyun, but the tension in the room was palpable.

After the lecture, Jaehyun hurriedly packed his things, hoping to leave before Leehan could approach him. But as he stood up, he saw Leehan waiting by the door, his eyes fixed on Jaehyun. Riwoo noticed too and gave Jaehyun a reassuring nod.

"Let's go," Riwoo said, leading the way.

As they passed Leehan, Jaehyun kept his head down, avoiding eye contact. But he could feel Leehan's gaze on him, a silent plea for a conversation. Jaehyun's heart pounded in his chest, but he kept walking, refusing to look back.

Throughout the day, Jaehyun tried to focus on his classes, but the tension weighed heavily on him. In every hallway, every classroom, he felt Leehan's presence, a constant reminder of the unresolved conflict between them.

During lunch, Jaehyun and his friends found a quiet spot outside, hoping to avoid any more encounters. They sat under a large oak tree, the shade providing some relief from the midday sun.

"How are you holding up?" Sungho asked, passing Jaehyun a sandwich.

Jaehyun sighed, unwrapping the sandwich slowly. "It's hard. Everywhere I go, I feel like he's there. I just... I don't know how to face him."

Riwoo leaned back against the tree, looking thoughtful. "Maybe you don't have to face him right now. Take your time. We're here for you, and we'll help you get through this."

Jaehyun nodded, grateful for their support. As they ate in silence, he felt a small sense of relief. For now, he had his friends, and that was enough to help him navigate the challenges ahead.

Jaehyun sat under the tree with his friends, the weight of his emotions still heavy, but the support of his friends a comforting presence in the midst of his turmoil.

• ─────────── •

Unspoken Longing | Mulmyungz AUWhere stories live. Discover now