Chapter 39

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Leehan continued his attempts to mend the rift between him and Jaehyun. Despite Jaehyun's resistance, Leehan's efforts were unwavering. He tried to show his sincerity through small gestures: bringing Jaehyun's favorite snacks, offering to help with assignments, and even inviting him to join their group outings. But Jaehyun remained steadfast in his determination to keep Leehan at arm's length.

One day, Leehan saw Jaehyun and Hanbin together in the cafeteria, laughing and enjoying their lunch. Leehan's heart ached at the sight, but he forced himself to approach them. Hanbin noticed Leehan's approach first and subtly moved closer to Jaehyun, a protective gesture that didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey, Jaehyun," Leehan greeted, trying to sound casual. "Mind if I join you guys?"

Jaehyun glanced up, his smile fading slightly. "Sure, if you want," he replied, not sounding entirely enthusiastic.

Leehan sat down and started a light conversation, trying to include both Jaehyun and Hanbin. Hanbin, however, seemed slightly aloof, his responses curt and his demeanor guarded. The tension was palpable, but Leehan pressed on, determined to bridge the gap.

After a while, Hanbin excused himself to get more food. As he walked away, Leehan took the opportunity to speak to Jaehyun directly.

"Jaehyun, I know things have been weird between us," Leehan began, choosing his words carefully. "But I really want to fix things. I miss our friendship."

Jaehyun sighed, looking down at his tray. "Leehan, it's not that simple. You have to understand—"

"Please, Jaehyun," Leehan interrupted, his voice earnest. "Just give me a chance to make things right. We don't have to be strangers."

Jaehyun's eyes flickered with a mix of emotions. He was about to respond when Hanbin returned, his presence immediately shifting the atmosphere.

"Hey, Leehan," Hanbin said, his tone polite but cool. "Could you give us a minute? I need to talk to Jaehyun about something."

Leehan hesitated but nodded, understanding the unspoken message. He stood up and walked away, feeling Hanbin's eyes on his back. As he left, he glanced over his shoulder, seeing Hanbin lean in close to Jaehyun, their heads bent in a private conversation.

Later that day, Leehan met up with Taesan and Woonhak. He recounted the events, his frustration evident.

"I don't know what else to do," Leehan admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "Jaehyun won't let me in, and Hanbin's always there, looking like he wants to keep me away."

Taesan frowned. "Hanbin's probably just protective of Jaehyun. But you can't let that stop you, Leehan."

Woonhak nodded in agreement. "You have to show Jaehyun that you're serious about fixing things. Keep trying, even if it's hard."

Leehan sighed, feeling the weight of their words. "I will. I just hope Jaehyun sees that I'm sincere."

Meanwhile, Hanbin couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. He had grown closer to Jaehyun over the past weeks, and the thought of Leehan stepping back into Jaehyun's life stirred a mix of emotions within him. He cared about Jaehyun deeply and wanted to protect him from getting hurt again. But at the same time, he couldn't ignore the budding feelings he had for Jaehyun.

As the days passed, Jaehyun's resistance to Leehan's attempts became more apparent. He avoided places where he knew Leehan might be, choosing to spend more time with Hanbin and his other friends. Leehan, however, didn't give up. He continued to show his support in subtle ways, hoping that Jaehyun would eventually see his genuine desire to reconcile.

One evening, Hanbin and Jaehyun were studying together in the library. Hanbin noticed Jaehyun's distracted expression and decided to address it.

"Hey, Jaehyun," Hanbin said softly. "Are you okay? You've seemed a bit off lately."

Jaehyun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's just... Leehan. He's been trying so hard to make things right, and I don't know how to handle it."

Hanbin's jaw tightened slightly, but he kept his voice calm. "Do you think you can trust him again?"

Jaehyun shrugged. "I don't know. Part of me wants to, but another part is scared. I don't want to get hurt again."

Hanbin reached out and placed a hand on Jaehyun's arm. "Whatever you decide, I'll support you. Just know that I'm here for you, no matter what."

Jaehyun gave Hanbin a grateful smile. "Thanks, Hanbin. That means a lot."

As Hanbin and Jaehyun continued their study session, Leehan sat in his dorm room, staring at his phone. He typed and deleted several messages to Jaehyun, unsure of what to say. Finally, he settled on a simple text.

"Hey, Jaehyun. Can we talk sometime? - Leehan"

He hit send and waited, his heart pounding. The minutes felt like hours as he watched the screen, hoping for a reply. When none came, he sighed and put his phone down, feeling a mix of determination and sadness.

Leehan knew that winning back Jaehyun's trust and friendship would be an uphill battle. But he was ready to fight for it, no matter how long it took. He just hoped that Jaehyun would eventually see the sincerity in his efforts and give their friendship another chance.

Leehan looks out of his dorm window, a look of resolve on his face. He knew that the road ahead would be tough, but he was ready to face it head-on, driven by the newfound clarity of his feelings for Jaehyun.

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