Chapter 25

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Jaehyun walked back to his dorm, the weight of his drenched clothes dragging him down. The rain had stopped, leaving him alone with the echoes of his confrontation with Leehan. Clutching Leehan's umbrella, which he had forgotten to return, Jaehyun felt a bittersweet pang in his heart. He trudged through the empty streets, his steps heavy and slow.

When he finally reached his dorm, Jaehyun felt utterly exhausted. He dropped his bags by the door and collapsed onto the couch, too drained to even change out of his wet clothes. As he lay there, memories of his outburst and Leehan's departure replayed in his mind, each one a fresh stab of pain. Eventually, exhaustion overtook him, and he drifted into a restless sleep.

Meanwhile, Riwoo and Sungho had finished their shopping and were eagerly anticipating their dinner plans with Jaehyun. They tried calling him several times but received no response. Worried, they decided to visit his dorm, fearing something might be wrong.

When they arrived, they found the door slightly ajar. Pushing it open, they were met with a sight that made their hearts sink. Jaehyun lay on the couch, his clothes still damp, his face pale and streaked with the remnants of tears. The room was in disarray, the signs of his earlier turmoil evident.

"Jaehyun!" Riwoo exclaimed, rushing to his side.

Sungho followed, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "We need to get him cleaned up. He can't stay like this."

They gently woke Jaehyun, who stirred groggily, his eyes red and puffy. "Riwoo? Sungho?" he mumbled, struggling to sit up.

"We were worried about you," Riwoo said softly, helping him to his feet. "You didn't answer your phone."

Jaehyun managed a weak smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "Sorry. I just... needed some time."

"We're here for you," Sungho said firmly. "Let's get you out of these wet clothes and get some food in you."

They guided Jaehyun to his room, helping him change into dry clothes. Riwoo prepared a warm towel and gently wiped Jaehyun's face, removing the traces of dried tears. Sungho heated up some soup they had brought, filling the room with a comforting aroma.

As Jaehyun sat on the couch, now wrapped in a warm blanket, he felt a small measure of comfort returning. Riwoo handed him a bowl of soup, and Sungho sat beside him, offering silent support.

"Thank you," Jaehyun said quietly, taking a sip of the soup. The warmth spread through him, soothing the ache in his chest.

"As we have always said, you don't have to go through this alone," Riwoo said gently. "We're your friends. We care about you."

Jaehyun nodded, his eyes welling up again. This time, the tears were a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"You'll never have to find out," Sungho replied with a small smile. "We've got your back."

• ─────────── •

Jaehyun, now wrapped in a warm blanket and feeling somewhat revived from the hot soup, looked at Riwoo and Sungho, his heart heavy with the burden of the day's events. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before speaking.

"I ran into Leehan earlier," Jaehyun began, his voice trembling slightly. "He caught me in the rain and... well, he finally got me to talk."

Riwoo and Sungho exchanged a worried glance but remained silent, giving Jaehyun the space to continue.

"I told him everything," Jaehyun said, his eyes welling up with fresh tears. "How I've been feeling about him, about Hana, about everything. I couldn't hold it in anymore. It just... it just all came out."

Riwoo clenched his fists, his jaw tightening as he listened. "And what did Leehan do?"

Jaehyun took a shaky breath. "He didn't say anything. He just... he just stood there. And then Hana showed up, calling him to their family dinner. He looked back at me but... he left."

Riwoo's eyes flashed with anger. "He just left you there? After everything you told him?"

Jaehyun nodded, wiping away the tears that had begun to fall again. "Yeah, he did."

Riwoo stood up, pacing the room in frustration. "I can't believe he just left you like that. After you poured your heart out to him!"

Sungho placed a calming hand on Riwoo's shoulder. "Riwoo, calm down. They had a family dinner. It's not an excuse, but it might explain why he left."

Riwoo let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "I know, but it still makes me mad. Jaehyun deserves better than that."

Jaehyun looked down, his heart aching from the reminder. "I don't know what I expected. Maybe I thought he'd say something, anything, to make it better. But he didn't."

Sungho squeezed Jaehyun's shoulder reassuringly. "You did the right thing, Jaehyun. You needed to get it out. And we're here for you, no matter what."

Riwoo stopped pacing and turned to face Jaehyun. "Yeah, and if Leehan can't see how much this is hurting you, then that's on him. You're not alone in this."

Jaehyun gave them a small, grateful smile. "Thank you. Both of you. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Riwoo sat back down, his anger simmering down but not completely gone. "We'll get through this, Jaehyun. Together."

The three friends sat in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation settling over them. But in that silence, there was also a sense of solidarity and support. They knew that no matter how tough things got, they had each other to lean on and Jaehyun felt so lucky to have such kind and loving friends.

• ─────────── •

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