Chapter 13

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The first day back at Seoul National University was a blur for Jaehyun. He tried to focus on his classes, but his mind kept drifting back to the ski trip and the moments he had shared with Leehan. It felt like a dream he didn't want to wake from, but reality had a way of creeping in, reminding him of the painful truth.

As Jaehyun walked through the crowded hallways between classes, he suddenly froze. Ahead of him, he saw Leehan and Hana standing together. They were laughing, their faces glowing with happiness. Leehan's eyes sparkled as he looked at Hana, his affection for her evident in every gesture.

Jaehyun's heart clenched painfully in his chest. He felt like he was watching a scene from a movie, one where he wasn't the hero but a mere observer, doomed to witness the happiness of others while his own heart broke. The sight of Leehan's joy was both beautiful and devastating, a stark reminder of the unrequited feelings he harbored.

Unable to bear it any longer, Jaehyun turned and hurried away, his vision blurred by tears. He found a quiet corner and let a single tear slide down his cheek, the emotional turmoil of the past days crashing down on him.

At that moment, Riwoo and Sungho, his two best friends, rounded the corner and spotted him. Concern etched on their faces, they approached him carefully.

"Jaehyun, what's wrong?" Riwoo asked, his voice filled with worry.

Jaehyun tried to wipe away his tears, but it was futile. The dam had broken, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "It's Leehan," he confessed, his voice trembling. "I've been struggling with my feelings for him, and seeing him with Hana just now... it hurts so much."

Sungho placed a comforting hand on Jaehyun's shoulder. "You don't have to go through this alone, Jaehyun. We're here for you."

Jaehyun took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I've been holding it in for so long. Over the winter break, spending all that time with him... I thought I could handle it, but it's been torture. I wish I hadn't caught feelings for him."

Riwoo nodded sympathetically. "It's okay to feel this way. Love isn't something you can control, and sometimes it hurts. But bottling it up won't help."

Jaehyun looked at his friends, their concern and understanding giving him a small measure of comfort. "I just don't know what to do. I don't want to lose Leehan as a friend, but it's killing me inside."

Sungho gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "We'll figure it out together. You don't have to face this on your own."

Jaehyun nodded, grateful for their support. "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Riwoo offered a small smile. "That's what friends are for. We'll help you through this, one step at a time."

They stood there for a moment, the weight of Jaehyun's confession hanging in the air. Despite the pain, Jaehyun felt a glimmer of hope. With his friends by his side, he knew he could find a way to navigate his feelings and preserve the important relationships in his life.

As they walked together to their next class, Jaehyun felt a bit lighter. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but with Riwoo and Sungho's support, he knew he wasn't alone. And somehow, that made all the difference.

• ─────────── •

The days following Jaehyun's emotional breakdown were challenging, but with Riwoo and Sungho's support, he began to find his footing again. They made a point of keeping him busy, distracting him with their dance practices and spontaneous outings. It wasn't a perfect solution, but it helped Jaehyun keep his mind off Leehan and Hana, at least for a while.

One afternoon, after an intense dance practice, the three friends decided to relax in a quiet corner of the campus garden. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

"How are you holding up, Jaehyun?" Sungho asked, leaning back against a tree.

Jaehyun sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's still hard, but I guess I'm managing. Thanks to you guys."

Riwoo nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, it's okay to take things one day at a time. You don't have to have everything figured out right now."

Jaehyun appreciated their understanding. "I know. It's just... sometimes I feel like I'm stuck in this loop of feelings I can't escape."

Sungho reached over and patted Jaehyun's shoulder. "You'll get through this. And remember, we're here for you, no matter what."

Jaehyun smiled, the warmth of their friendship helping to ease his pain. "Thanks. It really means a lot."

As they sat in comfortable silence, Jaehyun's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from Leehan.

Leehan: Hey, can we talk? I've been worried about you.

Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat. He had been avoiding Leehan as much as possible, afraid that any interaction would only deepen his feelings. But he knew he couldn't avoid him forever.

Jaehyun: Sure. Where are you?

Leehan: In the cafeteria. I'll wait for you here.

Jaehyun took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anxiety and resolve. "Leehan wants to talk," he told Riwoo and Sungho.

Riwoo gave him an encouraging nod. "You got this. Just be honest with him."

Sungho added, "We'll be right here if you need us."

Jaehyun stood up, his legs feeling a bit shaky. "Thanks, guys."

He made his way to the cafeteria, his mind racing with thoughts of what he might say. When he arrived, he saw Leehan sitting at a table by the window, his expression a mix of concern and relief when he spotted Jaehyun.

"Hey," Leehan greeted him, standing up. "Thanks for coming."

Jaehyun managed a small smile. "No problem."

They sat down, an awkward silence hanging between them for a moment. Leehan was the first to break it.

"Jaehyun, I've been worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately, and I just want to make sure you're okay."

Jaehyun looked down at his hands, trying to find the right words. "I've just been dealing with a lot of stuff. It's... it's complicated."

Leehan's gaze softened. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right? I care about you, Jaehyun."

The sincerity in Leehan's voice made Jaehyun's heart ache. He wanted so badly to tell him everything, but he knew it wasn't the right time.

"I appreciate that, Leehan. I really do," Jaehyun said, meeting his friend's eyes. "It's just... some things I need to work through on my own right now."

Leehan nodded slowly, his concern evident. "I understand. Just know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready."

Jaehyun felt a surge of gratitude. "Thanks, Leehan. That means a lot to me."

They talked for a while longer, the conversation lighter, filled with shared memories and future plans. For a moment, Jaehyun allowed himself to enjoy Leehan's company without the weight of his unspoken feelings.

As they parted ways, Jaehyun felt a sense of relief. He still had a long way to go, but he was starting to see that he didn't have to face his struggles alone. With the support of his friends, he could navigate the complexities of his emotions and find a way forward.

Back in the garden, Riwoo and Sungho were waiting for him. Jaehyun joined them, a small but genuine smile on his face.

"How did it go?" Riwoo asked.

Jaehyun took a deep breath, feeling a bit lighter. "It went well. We talked, and I think things are going to be okay."

Sungho grinned. "That's good to hear."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Jaehyun felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in days. It wouldn't be easy, but with his friends by his side, he knew he could face whatever came next.

• ─────────── •

Unspoken Longing | Mulmyungz AUWhere stories live. Discover now