Chapter 1

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Myung Jaehyun stepped out of his father's car, taking in the vast expanse of Seoul National University. The morning air was crisp and filled with the sounds of bustling students and the distant hum of traffic. He adjusted his bag and got his luggage, a confident smile playing on his lips as he surveyed his new surroundings.

"Ready for your first day, Jaehyun?" his father asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

Jaehyun nodded, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Yeah, Appa. I'm ready. Thanks for the ride."

His father smiled, patting Jaehyun on the shoulder. "Make the most of it. I'll see you during the break."

With a final wave, Jaehyun turned and joined the stream of students heading toward the main building. The campus was a mix of modern glass structures and traditional Korean architecture, creating a unique blend that felt both ancient and cutting-edge. Jaehyun couldn't wait to explore it all. But he first has to get his schedule and dorm keys and settle himself in, planning on exploring the university tomorrow on his first day

His first class was Korean Literature, held in a large lecture hall. As he entered, he scanned the room for an empty seat and spotted one near the back. Settling in, he pulled out his notebook and glanced around. Students were chatting, catching up after the break, and exchanging summer stories.

The professor, a distinguished-looking man with graying hair, entered the room and called for attention. "Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Korean Literature. I'm Professor Choi. Let's get started."

Jaehyun listened intently, jotting down notes as the professor delved into the history and significance of traditional Korean poetry. He found himself genuinely interested, feeling a connection to the cultural heritage that was being discussed.

After class, Jaehyun made his way to the cafeteria for lunch. He grabbed a tray of food and looked around for a place to sit. Spotting a table with a few open seats, he approached it with his usual confidence.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked the group of students seated there.

"Sure, go ahead," one of them replied, making space for him. They quickly fell into conversation, Jaehyun's friendly nature making it easy for him to integrate into the group.

As the lunch hour ended, Jaehyun felt a sense of satisfaction. He was already making friends and felt a part of the university community. But there was still a sense of curiosity about what lay ahead, especially regarding the enigmatic figure he had seen in his literature class.

The next stop was the library. Jaehyun loved libraries; they were sanctuaries of knowledge and quiet reflection. As he wandered through the aisles, he spotted Kim Leehan, the reserved basketball captain, sitting alone in a corner, engrossed in a book.

Jaehyun approached with his usual enthusiasm. "Hey, what are you reading?" he asked, leaning over to get a better look.

Leehan looked up, clearly surprised by the interruption. "Poetry," he replied quietly, his eyes meeting Jaehyun's.

Jaehyun's face lit up with interest. "That's cool! Mind if I join you?" He sat down across from Leehan without waiting for a response, his grin friendly and open.

Leehan hesitated for a moment but then nodded slightly. "Sure."

Jaehyun settled in, pulling out his book. "I'm Jaehyun, by the way. Just transferred here. What's your name?"

"Leehan," he replied softly. "Nice to meet you."

From that moment, the two boys sat in companionable silence, the library's peaceful atmosphere wrapping around them. Despite their differences, a spark of understanding passed between them, hinting at the beginning of an unexpected friendship.

• ─────────── •

The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the campus as students moved between classes. Jaehyun, still buzzing from his encounter with Leehan, made his way to the gymnasium for his next class: Physical Education. The gym was alive with activity, echoing with the sounds of bouncing basketballs and running feet.

Jaehyun spotted Leehan effortlessly sinking a three-pointer on the far side of the court. Impressed, he made a mental note to try and talk to him again later. For now, he focused on getting through the PE drills, his natural athleticism helping him keep pace with the others.

After class, Jaehyun decided to explore more of the campus. He wandered through the main quad, admiring the blend of modern sculptures and traditional gardens. Eventually, he found himself in a quieter part of the campus, where an old, ivy-covered building stood. Curious, he pushed open the heavy wooden door and stepped inside.

The building housed the university's art gallery, a serene space filled with paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. Jaehyun walked slowly, taking in the various pieces, until he reached a small side room. Inside, he was surprised to find Leehan, sketching quietly in a notebook.

"Leehan?" Jaehyun called softly, not wanting to startle him.

Leehan looked up, a faint smile touching his lips when he saw Jaehyun. "Hey," he said, his voice still soft but warmer than before.

"I didn't know you were into art," Jaehyun said, stepping closer to look at the sketches. They were intricate and beautiful, capturing both realistic details and abstract elements.

"It's a hobby," Leehan replied, closing the notebook slightly as if to hide his work. "What about you? Do you like art?"

Jaehyun nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I love it! I used to visit galleries all the time back home. This place is amazing."

Leehan's smile grew a little. "It is. It's one of my favorite places on campus. It's quiet, and not many people come here."

Jaehyun looked around, appreciating the calm atmosphere. "I can see why you'd like it. Do you mind if I hang out here with you?"

Leehan hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Sure, I don't mind."

They spent the next hour exploring the gallery together, discussing their favorite pieces and sharing thoughts on different art styles. Jaehyun's outgoing nature slowly drew Leehan out of his shell, and Leehan's quiet passion for art gave Jaehyun a new perspective on his new friend.

As they stood in front of a particularly striking painting, Jaehyun turned to Leehan. "You know, you're pretty talented. Those sketches were amazing."

Leehan blushed slightly, looking down. "Thanks. I don't show them to many people."

"Well, you should. You have a real gift," Jaehyun said sincerely. "Maybe one day you'll have your work hanging in a gallery like this."

Leehan glanced up, meeting Jaehyun's eyes. "Maybe. Thanks, Jaehyun."

They shared a quiet moment, the connection between them growing stronger. The art gallery, with its tranquil beauty and shared discoveries, became a place where their friendship could blossom away from the prying eyes and whispered rumors of the rest of the campus.

As they left the gallery, Jaehyun couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. He had found a kindred spirit in Leehan, and he was determined to see where their newfound friendship would lead.

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