Chapter 23

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Hana found Leehan in the library, sitting at a corner table with his textbooks spread out in front of him. She approached with a gentle smile, trying not to startle him.

"Hey, Leehan," she said softly, taking a seat beside him.

Leehan looked up, his face lighting up at the sight of her. "Hey, Hana. What's up?"

"I just wanted to remind you about dinner with my family tomorrow," Hana said, reaching out to touch his hand. "And I also ran into Jaehyun today at the grocery store."

Leehan's smile faltered slightly. "Oh? How did that go?"

Hana recounted their conversation, how she had seen Jaehyun crying and how he had promised to talk to Leehan soon. As she spoke, Leehan's expression grew increasingly gloomy. He couldn't help but feel a pang of envy and sadness that Hana had shared a longer conversation with Jaehyun than he had managed in weeks.

"I miss talking to him," Leehan admitted quietly, his gaze dropping to the table. "I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. It's been so long since we've had a real conversation."

Hana squeezed his hand reassuringly. "He promised he'd talk to you soon. Just give him a bit more time."

Leehan nodded, though the weight of his worries remained heavy on his heart. Throughout their conversation, his thoughts kept drifting back to Jaehyun, wondering what was really going on, what he did wrong, and why his friend was so distant.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun sat in his room, trying to prepare himself mentally for the dinner tomorrow. The thought of seeing Leehan and Hana together, happy and in love, makes him wish for a love like they have, especially with his own friend he loves so much. He tried to push the thoughts away, but they kept creeping back, irritating him to no end.

Frustrated, he grabbed his phone and called Riwoo and Sungho. "Hey, do you guys want to hang out at the billiard shop? I need to take my mind off things."

"Sure, sounds like a plan," Riwoo responded cheerfully.

"Count me in," Sungho added.

Jaehyun felt a slight relief as he headed out to meet his friends. At the billiard shop, the familiar clatter of balls and the chatter of other players provided a welcome distraction. He laughed and joked with Riwoo and Sungho, trying to lose himself in the game and the company of his friends.

Jaehyun lined up a shot, his focus momentarily diverted from the turmoil in his heart, while Leehan sat in the library, his mind still lingering on Jaehyun and their strained friendship.

• ─────────── •

Jaehyun and his friends, Riwoo and Sungho, arrived at the bustling mall, eager for a day of fun and distraction. The trio made their way through the crowded corridors, chatting and laughing.

"Let's hit the arcade first," Riwoo suggested, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

"Great idea!" Sungho agreed, clapping Jaehyun on the back. "Come on, let's see who can get the highest score."

Jaehyun smiled, grateful for the distraction. The arcade was noisy and filled with flashing lights, a perfect place to lose themselves for a while. They played various games, from racing simulators to shooting games, each of them taking turns and cheering each other on.

After an hour, Jaehyun managed to win a small stuffed animal from a claw machine, which he proudly showed off to his friends. They decided to take a break and grabbed some snacks at the food court. As they sat around a table, munching on fries and sipping on sodas, the conversation turned to their upcoming dance competition.

"We really need to nail that routine," Riwoo said, his tone serious despite the playful setting. "I think we have a real shot at winning."

Jaehyun nodded, feeling a sense of determination. "Yeah, let's give it our all."

They finished their snacks and continued exploring the mall, popping into various stores. Sungho tried on a ridiculous hat in a novelty store, making everyone burst into laughter. They wandered through a bookstore, flipping through random books and sharing funny excerpts. The hours flew by as they enjoyed each other's company, Jaehyun momentarily forgetting his worries.

As it started to get dark, they decided it was time to head home. Standing at the mall's exit, they said their goodbyes.

"We need to get some supplies for our project tomorrow," Riwoo explained.

"Yeah, see you later, Jaehyun," Sungho added, giving him a friendly wave.

"See you guys," Jaehyun replied, waving back as they parted ways.

Jaehyun walked out into the city street, enjoying the cool evening air. He felt a bit lighter after the day's fun, though a part of him still ached with the thoughts of Leehan. As he walked, the sky suddenly opened up, and it started raining heavily. Jaehyun cursed under his breath, using his shopping bag to cover his head from the downpour.

Hurrying down the street, Jaehyun was focused on avoiding the puddles when he suddenly collided with someone. "I'm so sorry," he blurted out, not looking up immediately.

"It's okay," came a familiar voice, calm and steady.

Jaehyun froze, his heart pounding. He slowly looked up to see Leehan standing there, holding an umbrella. The shock and fear in Jaehyun's eyes were evident as he realized who he had bumped into. Leehan's expression was one of surprise and concern.

The rain pouring down around them as they stood face to face, both uncertain of what to say next.

• ─────────── •

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