Chapter 29

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The next morning, Jaehyun woke up feeling a bit lighter. The events of the past few weeks still weighed on him, but he was beginning to see a way forward. After getting ready, he headed out to meet Hanbin at the campus coffee shop.

The shop was buzzing with students grabbing their morning caffeine fix. Jaehyun spotted Hanbin at a corner table, waving him over with a bright smile. Jaehyun returned the smile and made his way through the crowd.

"Hey, Hanbin," Jaehyun greeted, taking a seat across from him.

"Morning, Jaehyun! I hope you like caramel lattes because I got you one," Hanbin said, pushing a cup toward him.

Jaehyun chuckled. "Caramel lattes are my favorite. Thanks."

They chatted casually for a while, talking about their classes, hobbies, and random campus gossip. Hanbin's easygoing nature and sense of humor made Jaehyun feel at ease. It was refreshing to have a new friend who didn't know about the complicated history with Leehan.

As they talked, Jaehyun felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He ignored it, focusing on his conversation with Hanbin, but a sense of dread began to creep in. He knew who it was likely to be.

"So, Jaehyun," Hanbin said, leaning forward slightly, "I was thinking we could go check out this new arcade that just opened downtown. What do you think?"

Jaehyun's eyes lit up. "That sounds like fun. I'm in."

They finished their coffee and made their way to the arcade. The place was filled with flashing lights and the sounds of various games and laughter. Jaehyun and Hanbin tried their hand at different games, competing and cheering each other on.

For a while, Jaehyun was able to forget about his worries. He was having fun, and it felt good to just be in the moment.

As they took a break, sitting on a bench near the claw machines, Jaehyun's phone buzzed again. This time, he pulled it out and saw a series of messages from Leehan.

Leehan: Can we talk? Please? I need to understand what's going on.

Leehan: I'm really worried about you, Jaehyun.

Leehan: I miss you.

Jaehyun's heart ached as he read the messages. He knew he couldn't avoid Leehan forever, but he wasn't ready to face him yet. He put his phone away and turned to Hanbin, who was watching him with a curious expression.

"Everything okay?" Hanbin asked gently.

Jaehyun forced a smile. "Yeah, just... some stuff I need to figure out."

Hanbin nodded, not pressing further. "Well, whenever you're ready to talk about it, I'm here."

Jaehyun appreciated Hanbin's understanding. "Thanks, Hanbin. That means a lot."

They spent the rest of the afternoon at the arcade, and Jaehyun was grateful for the distraction. As the sun began to set, they decided to grab dinner at a nearby diner. The conversation flowed easily, and Jaehyun found himself opening up about his interests and dreams, something he hadn't done in a while.

After dinner, they walked back to campus, the cool evening air refreshing. Hanbin stopped at the entrance of Jaehyun's dorm building.

"I had a great time today, Jaehyun," Hanbin said, smiling warmly. "Let's do this again sometime."

Jaehyun smiled back. "Definitely. Thanks for today, Hanbin."

As Jaehyun entered his dorm, he felt a mix of emotions. He was grateful for the new friendship he was forming, but the unresolved tension with Leehan still lingered in the back of his mind.

Riwoo and Sungho were waiting for him in the common area, playing video games. They paused the game as Jaehyun walked in.

"Hey, Jaehyun! How was your day?" Riwoo asked.

Jaehyun shrugged off his jacket and joined them. "It was good. I hung out with Hanbin, played some games, had dinner."

Sungho raised an eyebrow. "Sounds like fun. You seem in better spirits."

Jaehyun nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, it was nice. Just what I needed."

As they settled into the evening, Jaehyun's phone buzzed again. He glanced at it and saw another message from Leehan. He sighed, knowing he couldn't keep ignoring him forever. But for tonight, he decided to focus on the moment, enjoying the company of his friends.

• ─────────── •

Leehan sat in the back of the lecture hall, barely paying attention to the professor's droning voice. His eyes were fixed on Jaehyun, who was sitting near the front with a new friend Leehan didn't recognize. He watched as Jaehyun and the new guy, Hanbin, exchanged laughs and notes. Leehan felt a pang of irritation seeing Jaehyun having fun without him.

Who is this guy? Leehan thought, his jaw tightening. Why is Jaehyun spending so much time with him?

As the lecture ended, Leehan quickly gathered his things and followed Jaehyun and Hanbin out of the classroom, staying just far enough behind so they wouldn't notice him. He felt a surge of jealousy watching them walk together, talking animatedly. He wished he could be the one making Jaehyun laugh like that.

Just as he was about to call out to Jaehyun, Hana appeared by his side, smiling brightly. "Hey, Leehan! Do you want to go on a date today? I found this cute café we should try."

Leehan hesitated, his eyes still on Jaehyun and Hanbin. "I... I don't think I can today, Hana. I have some stuff I need to take care of."

Hana's smile faltered. "Again? Leehan, you've been so distant lately. Is something wrong?"

Leehan sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's nothing, Hana. I'm just... I've got a lot on my mind."

Hana crossed her arms, a hint of anger flashing in her eyes. "A lot on your mind? Or someone on your mind?" she asked pointedly, glancing in the direction of Jaehyun and Hanbin.

Leehan looked away, unable to meet her gaze. "It's not what you think."

Hana shook her head, clearly frustrated. "You know, Leehan, if you keep pushing me away, I don't know how much longer I can keep trying. I want to be there for you, but you have to let me in."

Leehan felt a pang of guilt but couldn't find the words to reassure her. Hana sighed, turning to leave. "Fine. Just... think about what you really want, Leehan. Goodbye."

She walked away, her shoulders slumped. Leehan watched her go, feeling torn. He knew he was hurting Hana, but he couldn't shake the turmoil inside him. His thoughts were consumed by Jaehyun, who seemed further out of reach with every passing day.

Leehan stood there, lost in his thoughts, until he noticed Jaehyun and Hanbin heading toward the campus café. His heart ached with a mix of jealousy and longing. He wished he could be the one Jaehyun was smiling at, the one Jaehyun confided in.

• ─────────── •

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