Chapter 42

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As the group left the restaurant, the night air was cool and refreshing. They walked through the bustling mall, making their way back to their dorms. Jaehyun lagged behind, lost in his thoughts about Leehan and the unresolved tension between them.

Suddenly, Jaehyun's foot caught on something, and he stumbled. Before he could hit the ground, a strong arm wrapped around his waist, steadying him. Startled, Jaehyun looked up to see Leehan's concerned face mere inches away. Time seemed to slow as they stood there, flustered and blushing, lost in each other's eyes. Jaehyun's heart raced, a mix of emotions flooding through him—shock, relief, and an overwhelming sense of longing for the closeness he had missed so much.

Leehan, equally flustered, quickly let go and stepped back, moving toward his friends without noticing the sadness and yearning in Jaehyun's eyes. The brief moment of connection had stirred something deep within Jaehyun, leaving him more conflicted than ever.

As they reached the mall's exit, Leehan asked if anyone wanted to ride with him. Taesan and Woonhak immediately raised their hands, eager to join. Sungho and Riwoo hesitated, glancing at Jaehyun to see if he was okay with the arrangement. Jaehyun nodded, though he whispered to his friends that he preferred to sit in the back. They agreed, understanding his need for a bit of distance.

The scene shifted as Leehan's friends bid farewell to Jaehyun and his group. Jaehyun watched Leehan walk away with his friends, a sense of loss washing over him. The closeness he had felt moments ago now seemed like a distant memory.

As Jaehyun's friends tried to lift his spirits, he couldn't shake the sadness that enveloped him. The realization that avoiding and fighting with Leehan had driven a wedge between them weighed heavily on his heart. They had gone from being inseparable to acting like complete strangers, and the pain of that loss was almost unbearable.

With a heavy heart, Jaehyun climbed into Leehan's car, taking his seat in the back. The ride was quiet, each person lost in their own thoughts. Jaehyun stared out the window, the city lights blurring as his mind raced. He wondered if there was a way to mend things with Leehan, to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

The car ride seemed to stretch on forever, the silence amplifying Jaehyun's inner turmoil. He replayed their earlier encounter in his mind, the brief moment when Leehan had caught him. It had felt so natural, so right, and yet now they were further apart than ever.

As they finally reached their destination, Jaehyun's friends gave him reassuring pats on the back, sensing his inner struggle. He managed a small smile, grateful for their support but still feeling the weight of his emotions.

Jaehyun watched as Leehan and his friends walked away, the distance between them growing with each step. He sighed, feeling more alone than ever. The scene ended with Jaehyun standing there, his heart heavy with the knowledge that the path to reconciliation would not be easy. But despite the pain, he couldn't help but hope that somehow, someway, they could find their way back to each other.

• ─────────── •

Jaehyun walked into the lecture hall with Riwoo and Sungho, chatting about their assignments and upcoming exams. Despite his best efforts to stay engaged in the conversation, his mind wandered to thoughts of Leehan. He couldn't shake the image of their recent encounter, the brief moment of closeness that had left him yearning for more.

As they took their seats, Jaehyun glanced around the room, his eyes inevitably landing on Leehan. Leehan looked as handsome as ever, effortlessly drawing attention as he made his way to his usual seat at the front. Their eyes met for a fleeting millisecond, a brief connection that sent a pang of longing through Jaehyun's heart.

Throughout the lecture, Jaehyun tried to focus on the professor's words, but his mind kept drifting back to Leehan. He stole glances at him, each one making his heart ache a little more. When the class finally ended, Riwoo and Sungho began dragging Jaehyun out of the room, eager to get to their next destination. Just as they were about to leave, Jaehyun looked back one last time.

He saw Leehan smiling and chuckling with a girl he didn't recognize. The sight made his chest tighten with sadness. As they stepped out of the lecture hall, Riwoo and Sungho noticed the shift in Jaehyun's mood.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Riwoo asked, concern etched on his face.

Jaehyun didn't respond immediately. A single tear slipped down his cheek, and he quickly wiped it away. Without saying a word, he walked towards the library, his friends following closely behind.

Once inside the quiet sanctuary of the library, Jaehyun finally spoke. "Do you think it's too late for me to talk to Leehan?" he asked, his voice tinged with desperation.

Riwoo and Sungho exchanged glances, unsure of how to respond. They knew Jaehyun had been avoiding Leehan, but now he seemed to be reconsidering his actions.

"It's just... Hana and Leehan broke up," Jaehyun continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't help but think... maybe there's still a chance for us."

His friends remained silent, not knowing what to say. They understood Jaehyun's pain and longing, but they also knew how complicated the situation had become.

"Leehan means so much to me," Jaehyun confessed, his voice breaking. "I miss him so much. I dream about the day he'll be by my side, giving me love and affection. But maybe it's too late. Maybe I've missed my chance."

The weight of his words hung in the air, and Riwoo and Sungho could only offer a supportive pat on his back. They knew there were no easy answers, no magic words to make everything better. All they could do was be there for Jaehyun, offering their silent support as he navigated his tangled emotions.

Jaehyun sits between his friends, his heart heavy with sadness and uncertainty. The library's quiet atmosphere seemed to mirror his internal turmoil, a place of reflection and contemplation as he tried to figure out his next steps.

• ─────────── •

Unspoken Longing | Mulmyungz AUWhere stories live. Discover now