Chapter 41

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Jaehyun woke up feeling a bit lighter than usual. The heavy weight on his heart had lifted slightly, and he felt a glimmer of hope for the future. As he walked through the university campus, he spotted his two best friends, Riwoo and Sungho, heading towards him with teasing grins.

"Hey, Jaehyun!" Riwoo called out, waving energetically. "Long time no see!"

Sungho chimed in, "Yeah, we've been so caught up with our thesis that we barely had time to hang out. You didn't forget about us, did you?"

Jaehyun chuckled, feeling a sense of warmth at their playful banter. "Of course not. I know you guys are busy with your thesis. It's good to see you both."

As they caught up, Hanbin walked by, his usual cheerful demeanor in place. "Hey, guys!" Hanbin greeted them with a bright smile.

Jaehyun felt a moment of hesitation, unsure of how to act around Hanbin after their recent conversation. But Hanbin quickly sensed Jaehyun's discomfort and spoke up. "Don't worry, Jaehyun. I'm going to be okay," he said reassuringly.

Relief washed over Jaehyun, and he managed a grateful smile. "Thanks, Hanbin."

With that, Jaehyun, Riwoo, and Sungho made their way to the cafeteria. They found a table and settled down, catching up on everything that had happened in their lives. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared stories.

"So, Jaehyun," Riwoo began, leaning in with curiosity, "what's the deal with Hanbin? He seemed a bit different earlier."

Jaehyun hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "We had a talk recently. He's been going through some stuff, but he's handling it well."

Sungho raised an eyebrow. "Stuff? Care to elaborate?"

Jaehyun shook his head, offering a small smile. "It's personal. Let's just say he's trying to move on and find his own happiness."

The conversation shifted to lighter topics, and they spent the rest of the day enjoying each other's company. Despite the light-hearted atmosphere, Jaehyun couldn't shake a nagging feeling that something was off.

As the day progressed, he noticed small things that seemed out of place. A fleeting glance from Hanbin, a strange sense of deja vu, and an odd feeling of being watched. He tried to brush it off, telling himself he was overthinking things.

By the time evening rolled around, Jaehyun felt an odd sense of unease. He couldn't quite put his finger on what was bothering him, but the feeling lingered, casting a shadow over his lighter mood.

As he made his way home, he replayed the day's events in his mind, searching for clues to explain his unease. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pinpoint the source of his discomfort.

Jaehyun walks through the quiet streets, his mind filled with unanswered questions and a growing sense that something significant was about to change.

• ─────────── •

The sun was shining brightly as Jaehyun spent another day at the university with his friends. Despite the laughter and chatter around him, he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was missing. Every now and then, he found himself lost in thought, trying to pinpoint what it was. Eventually, he shrugged it off, deciding to focus on the present and enjoy his time with Riwoo and Sungho.

After classes, Jaehyun suggested they visit the arcade, a place they hadn't been to in a while. His friends eagerly agreed, reminiscing about the good times they'd had there. The moment they stepped inside, the familiar sounds of beeping machines and excited shouts filled the air, bringing a nostalgic smile to Jaehyun's face.

The trio immediately dived into the games, their competitive spirits ignited. They played one game after another, their laughter echoing through the arcade. It felt good to let loose and have fun, and for a while, Jaehyun's worries faded into the background.

As they continued to explore the arcade, Jaehyun suddenly spotted a familiar face. Leehan and his friends were engrossed in a game of Water Blast, their focus and determination evident. Jaehyun's heart skipped a beat as he realized what had been bothering him these past few days. It was Leehan. The absence of Leehan's presence and the small gestures he used to make had left a void in Jaehyun's life.

Desperate to get their attention, Jaehyun hesitated, unsure of how to approach them. Just then, Sungho called out to Leehan and his friends, waving enthusiastically. Leehan glanced over, making brief eye contact with Jaehyun before quickly looking away. Jaehyun's heart sank, the small moment of connection cut short.

The two groups eventually converged, deciding to grab something to eat since they were all hungry. As they left the arcade, Jaehyun and Leehan found themselves in the same group but avoiding each other at every turn. It was a delicate dance of avoidance, both of them aware of the tension but unable to bridge the gap.

At the restaurant, they sat at opposite ends of the table, the conversation flowing around them while they remained silent. Jaehyun's friends tried to keep the mood light, but the underlying tension was palpable. Jaehyun couldn't help but steal glances at Leehan, his heart aching with the unresolved conflict between them.

As the meal went on, Jaehyun's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. He replayed their fight at the library over and over, wondering if there was a way to make things right. The more he thought about it, the more he realized how much he missed Leehan's presence in his life.

Leehan, on the other hand, struggled with his own feelings. He wanted to reach out to Jaehyun, to explain himself and mend their friendship, but the fear of rejection held him back. He couldn't bear the thought of losing Jaehyun for good, so he chose to stay silent, hoping time would heal the rift between them.

The group left the restaurant, Jaehyun and Leehan still avoiding each other. The air is heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings, leaving both of them yearning for a resolution that seems just out of reach.

• ─────────── •

Unspoken Longing | Mulmyungz AUWhere stories live. Discover now