Chapter 34

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The day arrived for the private date that Hana and Jaehyun meticulously planned for Leehan. They met at the scenic spot by the lake, near the old willow tree, just as the sun was setting. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink, creating a beautiful backdrop for their date. Hana had set up a picnic with all of Leehan's favorite foods, and the atmosphere was perfect.

Jaehyun, hiding behind a cluster of bushes a little way off, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of contentment and sadness. He wanted Leehan to be happy, even if it wasn't with him. As he observed them from a distance, he saw Hana laughing and Leehan smiling, but something about Leehan's demeanor seemed off. His smile didn't reach his eyes.

Lost in his thoughts, Jaehyun didn't notice Hanbin approaching until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He jumped, turning to see Hanbin grinning at him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Hanbin asked, curious.

Jaehyun sighed, glancing back at the couple. "Just making sure everything goes well. I helped Hana plan this date for Leehan."

Hanbin raised an eyebrow. "Playing cupid, huh? You're too nice, Jaehyun." He looked over at the couple and then back at Jaehyun. "Want a ride home after this? I'll go warm up the car and get everything ready."

Jaehyun nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks, Hanbin."

As Hanbin walked away to prepare his car, Jaehyun turned his attention back to Hana and Leehan. He noticed their conversation had grown more animated. Hana seemed frustrated, her gestures becoming more pronounced. Leehan looked conflicted, his brows furrowed as he spoke.

Jaehyun's heart sank as he watched the argument escalate. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but the tension between them was palpable. Hana suddenly stood up, tears in her eyes, and Leehan reached out to her, trying to calm her down. But Hana pulled away, shaking her head.

Jaehyun's pained expression as he witnessed the argument unfold is visible, unsure of what to do. The perfect date he had helped plan was falling apart before his eyes, leaving him feeling helpless and conflicted.

• ─────────── •

The night was quiet, with only the occasional chirping of crickets filling the silence. Leehan and Hana sat on the blanket, eating the food Hana had lovingly prepared. The air was thick with unspoken words and growing tension.

Hana finally broke the silence, her voice trembling. "Leehan, I can't do this anymore."

Leehan looked up, confused. "What do you mean?"

Hana took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions. "I don't feel the same connection we had when we first started dating. You've changed. I was hoping tonight would remind me of how things used to be, but all I see is someone who isn't here with me, not really."

Leehan's face fell, guilt washing over him. "Hana, I..."

But Hana didn't let him finish. She stood up abruptly, her eyes glistening with tears. "I can't keep pretending everything is okay. I can't keep feeling like I'm the only one trying. I'm sorry, Leehan, but I can't do this."

She turned and stormed away, leaving Leehan sitting alone, filled with guilt and regret. He watched her retreating figure, wanting to call out to her but feeling too ashamed.

Jaehyun, who had been hiding behind some bushes, had witnessed the entire scene. He tried to quietly make his escape, not wanting to be seen, but in his haste, he tripped over a root and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Leehan, hearing the noise, turned towards the direction of the sound. "Who's there?" he called out, his eyes scanning the darkness.

Panicking, Jaehyun scrambled to his feet and tried to run, but Leehan's voice stopped him. "Wait!"

Leehan approached the figure, his heart pounding. As he got closer, he realized the person looked familiar. Grabbing hold of Jaehyun's arm, he turned him around to face him.

"Jaehyun?" Leehan's eyes widened in shock.

Jaehyun, caught and unable to hide any longer, stood there, breathing heavily, his face a mix of fear and sadness.

"Why are you here?" Leehan asked, his voice barely above a whisper, filled with confusion and a hint of anger. Leehan stared at Jaehyun, his mind racing with conflicting emotions.

Jaehyun struggled against Leehan's grip, cursing him for working out too much. "Let go of me, Leehan!" he whined, trying to pull away.

Leehan held on tighter, his face a mixture of confusion and anger. "Why were you here, Jaehyun? Were you on a date with Hanbin?"

"No!" Jaehyun exclaimed, shaking his head vehemently. "Leehan, you should be going after Hana, not me!"

Leehan's eyes darkened at the mention of Hanbin. "You said Hanbin is picking you up?" His grip tightened further, his selfishness taking over. "Stay with me tonight, Jaehyun. Please."

Fear flashed in Jaehyun's eyes at the thought of being alone with Leehan. "I can't, Leehan. I can't do this." But then Leehan pulled him into a hug, his voice breaking.

"I miss you, Jaehyun. I want to be with you always."

Jaehyun hesitated, but then, slowly and weakly, he hugged Leehan back. After a short moment, Leehan pulled back slightly, looking into Jaehyun's eyes. "Stay away from Hanbin."

Jaehyun frowned in confusion. "Why should I? What's wrong with Hanbin?"

Leehan couldn't form the words to explain his jealousy and possessiveness. "Just... stay away from him."

Jaehyun's frustration boiled over. "Why, Leehan? Why can't I be with him?" He pushed Leehan away, his anger flaring. "You know how I feel about you! You know how much I've sacrificed for you, how much I've done to support your relationship with Hana, just to make sure you're happy!"

Leehan stood still, his strength keeping him rooted as Jaehyun pounded on his chest with each word. "I've worried about you when you're feeling down, I've supported you and Hana, I've given up my own happiness just for you!"

Jaehyun's voice cracked, his tears falling freely. "Can't I just be happy? I'm an idiot who chose to love someone whom I could never be with, it's painful. Do you know the worst kind of pain? It is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling."

Leehan's heart shattered with each word, feeling the weight of Jaehyun's suffering. He pulled Jaehyun into a hug, but Jaehyun struggled weakly against him, his body growing lifeless as his tears continued to fall.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun," Leehan whispered, but Jaehyun gave him the silent treatment, too exhausted and heartbroken to respond.

The sound of a car horn broke the tension, and Jaehyun used all his remaining strength to run towards Hanbin's car, desperate to escape the pain. Leehan stood there, feeling defeated and broken, watching as Jaehyun fled.

As the car drove away, Leehan walked slowly to his own car, a sense of loss overwhelming him. Little did they know, Hana had been standing nearby, hidden in the shadows. She had heard everything, her own heart breaking as she realized the depth of Jaehyun's love and suffering. Hana standing alone in the corner, tears streaming down her face.

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