Part 2 - A Crush

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It was Sunday afternoon, we had one more night in our apartment before leaving to California. 

My phone rang as I was taping up a box to be put on the truck to LA. I picked it up to hear an extremely sexy british accent on the other end.

“Abbey?” He said.

“Yes, who’s this?” 

“This is Nathan Sykes from The Wanted. One of the boys you’ll have the pleasure of taking care of.” He said sarcastically. I liked that, because sarcasm was basically my second language. 

I laughed. “Well I can’t wait to get started. What can I do for you?”

“Oh nothing, I just wanted to make sure everything was coming along nicely! All the boys are here with me awaiting your arrival.” I heard a jumble of voices then, all with different accents yelling “HI ABBEY!” I started laughing. This was perfect. They were already making me feel welcome and I was in a completely different state for crying out loud! I couldn’t wait to get there. Just one more day! 

“Aww well thank you! You know my best friend is staying in the house too, right?” 

“Oh yeah! Can’t wait to meet her as well.” I heard another voice then, he seemed to be right by Nathan.

“What? What did you say? She’s bringing someone? Another girl?! Is she hot?!” He seemed really excited. Nathan turned away from the phone and his voice got quiet. 

“Yes you idiot, she’s going to be living with us too so behave yourself!” His voice returned to normal. “Sorry that was Jay... he uh... kinda has to grow on you.” 

I laughed again. “No worries. So we’ll see y’all tomorrow?” 

“Yeah! We’ll be here at the house. We’ll help you unpack and all that.” He said. 

“Awesome. I guess I’ll text you when our flight’s about to leave.”

“Sounds good.” He said.

That night Stephanie and I were up to our elbows in packing. We finally got all of the stuff loaded on the truck around midnight, the driver was supposed to start heading toward California at about 5 in the morning. We were both so excited that we didn’t sleep until about 4 AM, and our flight leaves at 10. 

I woke up at 7 to a text from Nathan saying “Don’t forget to text me before your flight leaves! :)” I smiled. I think I was already developing a little crush and I hadn’t even met the guy! 

No. This can’t happen. You’re his manager. You can’t date him. No matter how close you are in age. No matter how cute he is... no. 

I got up and started getting ready to leave for the airport. Steph had already woken up and was almost ready to go. All I had to do was change, brush my teeth, and pack some last minute stuff for the plane. After about 30 minutes, we were ready to say goodbye to our little apartment, and Texas. 

We arrived at the airport about an hour and half before our plane was supposed to take off. I was getting antsy while waiting at the gate. I just wanted to be there already! This was a new chapter of my life I was starting. And I had my best friend at my side. 

We finally starting boarding after what seemed like forever. I remember telling Nathan I would text him before take off so I pulled out my phone and started typing. I could feel Stephanie behind me hovering. 

“Uh ohhh.” She said playfully. “Someone’s already feelin’ a little somethin’ somethin’.” 

“Uh no. I just told him I’d text him before our flight took off so he’d be expecting us.” I said, trying not to give anything away. 

“Uh huh.” She wasn’t convinced. She could always see right through me.

“So what? Maybe I think he’s cute. Is that a crime? It’s not like I wanna date the guy. Besides I can’t. It would be unprofessional of me. I’m his manager.” 

“Whatever you say...” She had the biggest smirk on her face. I couldn’t help but smile back.

I returned back to my phone to text Nathan. “Boarding the plane now. See you in a few hours!”  Not 20 seconds later my phone goes off, Steph and I looked at each other; shocked. 

“Looks to me like he likes you back!” She chuckled. 

“I don’t like him you twat! I haven’t even met him!” I read the text.

“Sounds great! I can’t wait to meet you!” I couldn’t lie, there were butterflies in my stomach. 

We boarded the plane, and took off leaving Texas behind. 

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