Part 39 - The Attack

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Abbey shut the door and walked out. I watched her and Stephanie walk to her parents' car through the window. It really scared me that they were out there by themselves, I had no idea what this Dylan guy was going to do or what he was capable of. He could be watching this whole thing go down and decide to chase after them in order to stop them. I closed my eyes and let out a huge breath. 

"I don't like them being out there alone." Jay told me.

I looked at him. "I was just thinking the same thing." I replied. 

"Should we follow them?" Jay asked. I thought to myself for a second. "What's more important? Our fame? Or their safety?" He asked with raised eyebrows. I nodded.

"Wait. How are we gonna get there?" I asked. Jay felt his front right pocket before reaching into it and pulling out a set of keys. He jingled them. 

"Steph gave them to me to hold." He replied. I nodded and we left the flat. 

While Jay drove Steph's car, I sat in the passenger seat and used my phone's GPS to look up where the closest police station was. It was about 25 minutes away. 

"We can just keep a safe distance in case anything happens yeah?" I asked. "We really don't need to be interfering." I looked over at Jay. He nodded and kept looking straight ahead. "You know she's not cheating on you right?" I asked. 

"I don't want to talk about it Nathan. Let's just get this part over with." He replied. 

"Right, sorry." I cleared my throat and looked back down at my phone. "Take a left at the next light." I instructed him. He turned and then I spotted the car Abbey and Steph were in about three cars in front of us. "I see them." I said pointing. "Try to stay far behind, but keep them in eyesight."

We were almost there, about five minutes away and we were driving through a neighborhood. Jay was staying a good ways back so the girls wouldn't see us, but we could still see them. All of the sudden a white beat up Honda Civic came flying out of nowhere and t-boned the girls' car. I hadn't realized it before, but I recognized it now, that was the car Dylan was posted up on at the airport, and he had been following us ever since we left Abbey's neighborhood. "FUCK!" I screamed. 

Jay pushed his foot all the way down to the floor and we sped as fast as we could to the girls. By the time we got there, Dylan had pulled both of them out of the car. He was kicking Steph who was lying on the ground while Abbey was screaming at him and trying to fight him off by punching and pushing him, but he wasn't budging. We got out of the car and ran toward them, I pulled Abbey out of the way and Jay tackled Dylan to the ground. 

"Wh-where did you come from?!" She asked me frantically. She was shaking and crying. I didn't have time to answer. I went back and pulled Stephanie up, but she was unconscious. I had to pick her up and put her in the back seat of the car, out of harm's way. I looked back over to Jay who looked like he had the upper hand. He was on top of Dylan, wailing on him, but Dylan didn't look like he was moving. 

"Jay!" I ran over to him. "Jay stop! You're going to kill him!" I pulled him off. He gave Dylan one more kick to his back and then backed off. I pulled out my phone and called 911. I looked around as I was on the phone with the police and saw that a couple people had come out of their houses to see what was going on. When I got off the phone I ran back over to the car where Abbey and Jay were trying to wake Steph up, she looked like she was starting to come to. Abbey turned to me and hugged me around the waist. I squeezed her tight and when she tried to pull away, I just squeezed her tighter. I didn't want to let go. 

"Thank you." She said to me, she was almost sobbing. I put my hand on the back of her head, keeping it to my chest. She started to sob then. I looked over to Dylan who was still knocked out on the ground. Two men who lived in the houses nearby came over to see if they could help with anything. 

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