Part 35 - Houston

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I woke up the next morning at 7 AM on the couch, lying on my stomach, directly on top of Nath, his arms wrapped around my waist. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and rolled off the couch, making a loud thud on the floor before darting to the bathroom. I got there just in time and unleashed all of the alcohol that was in my stomach into the toilet. After a couple minutes a felt a hand on my back, rubbing up and down. 

"Go away I don't want you to see this, Nath..." I said with my head still in the toilet. I tried to push him away, but he didn't budge.

"I've seen you throw up before, love." He replied. My stomach heaved and I hurled again, making the most disgusting noise. He rubbed my back to soothe me. 

"Nathan, please." I pleaded. 

"I'm not going anywhere." I felt him sit next to me and lean against the wall. I threw up a couple more times, flushed the toilet, then sat down next to him, leaning against him.

"Wasn't I just here?" I asked looking around the room, confused. Nathan started laughing.

"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked. I thought to myself for a few seconds before remembering.

"Ohhhh..." I trailed off, remembering him pinning me up against the wall and kissing me. He chuckled.

"You're quite good with your.... mouth.... I must say." My eyes grew huge and I looked at him abruptly.

"Oh my god. What do you mean?" I asked him. He gestured down to his crotch. "Did I...? Jesus Christ... I did." I closed my eyes, remembering things in flashes. "I'm sorry. I was being a complete idiot last night wasn't I?" He looked at me funny.

"No... not at all." 

"Still... I need to watch how much I drink."

"I think in our own home, with close friends, it's fine babe. No one knew what was going on in here with us. Plus I'm the one who dragged you in here, you looked too fine in your outfit, and I'd waited long enough to get you alone." He smirked at me. I blushed and playfully kicked him. He stood up, then turned around to help me up. "I'll tell you what though, you're going to be doing that a lot more." He teased, then winked. I knew he wasn't kidding behind his smile, though. 

"Only if you return the favor..." I smirked. He looked at me sexually with raised eyebrows, then cleared his throat to re-gain his composure. I chuckled and kissed his cheek.

We walked outside the bathroom and the place was a wreck. There were red cups and beer bottles everywhere, the floor was sticky, and somehow there was toilet paper tossed around the room. Tom and Maria were lying on the couch next to the one that Nath and I woke up on, completely knocked out, but no one else was to be seen. I guess they all made it safely back to their rooms. 

"At least it was a successful night." I looked up at Nath and shrugged my shoulders. "Worth it?" I asked. He nodded. 

"Defffffinitely." I laughed and then we turned to go upstairs. I changed, brushed my teeth, and washed my face before climbing back into my bed with Nath.

"So what happened last night? After you know... our fun in the bathroom..." I asked with a shy grin.

"Honestly, not much. Everyone was either shit wasted or leaving by that time. After we came out of the wash room, you really wanted some pretzels, so I got you some, and then you passed out in my lap while eating them." 

"Jesus Christ." I brought my hand up to my face and shook my head.

"No it was cute!" He laughed and squeezed my shoulders. "Anyway, I didn't want to move you so I just stayed on the couch with you." He explained. He continued talking but it was getting harder and harder to pay attention because my eyes were growing heavy. He could tell I was dozing off, so he kissed my forehead and wrapped me up next to him in the blankets, then we both drifted off to sleep in the matter of seconds. 

I woke up around 12 PM and Nathan wasn't in bed. I turned over and checked my phone. There was a text from my mom asking me when I was coming home, and a text from Nath telling me that he went to the studio with Scooter and Max to finish up some background vocals on one of their songs and that he didn't want to wake me. 

For the rest of the day I lounged around the house with Seev, Tom, Jay, and the girls. Nathan returned with Max about three hours later and then we all went out to eat, came back home, watched a movie, and then went to bed. 

The rest of that week was pretty hectic. For the next three days the boys were in the studio and the day before Nath, Jay, Steph, and I left for Houston they had a show at the Palladium. I just couldn't wait to get home to see my family and have Nath meet them. They were going to love him. 

We left LA on a Sunday morning and were only going to be in Houston for three days because the boys had to get back to work. The plane ride was nice and relaxing, we were in first class again.

When we got off the plane we got our bags and walked outside to see my parents waiting for us in the pick up lane. I almost started crying as I ran to them and hugged them. I hadn't seen them in a month. Nathan came up behind me and shook my dad's hand, then gave my mom a welcoming hug and kiss on the cheek. He was a natural with them. After they exchanged pleasantries I walked around the back of the SUV to put my suitcase in the back while Steph introduced Jay to my parents. 

I opened the trunk, Nath put our bags in, and when he closed it, I saw someone very familiar leaning up against his car, staring back at me from about 100 feet away. 

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