Part 31 - The Last Night

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We spent the rest of our last day wandering the streets of Rio. Eating, shopping, and sight seeing. It was our first time to actually see a lot of the city. I was taking pictures of everything I could, Nathan actually had to take the camera away from me at one point because I was missing out on everything with my own eyes. 

We were standing on a pier overlooking the ocean. The others were still shopping on the streets, we told them we'd catch up with them later at the hotel so we could have some alone time together before we had to sit on a plane with them for 14 hours.

"I can't help it. The camera basically is my eyes. I capture my life through it." I explained as he took the camera from my hands. 

"I know babe. But sometimes you just gotta sit back and take everything in through those beautiful eyeballs of yours. It's no fun if you're missing out because you keep taking pictures of everything." He replied as he put the camera strap around his neck. "Besides I see you struggling with your cast all the time." 

"I thought I was getting the hang of it." I replied pathetically.

"Just let me take some pictures for a little bit so you can see what I see." He replied. I nodded and he put the camera up to his eye and pointed it at me. I didn't smile, I just stood there and looked at him with a smirk on my face. He snapped the picture and looked at the screen, then back up at me. He didn't say anything, he just smiled and kissed me. 

"I wish you knew how much I love you." He said when he pulled away.

My breath hitched as I blushed and looked away, but he took his hand and guided my face back to his. "You're so cheesy, Nath." I laughed. 

"I'm serious." He looked at me. 

"I know how much you love me, babe." I said resting my hand on his cheek. "I love you, too." I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my forehead on his for a couple seconds before he pulled my body to his and kissed me hard. It felt like a scene from a movie, with the ocean in the background and the city behind us. It couldn't get any better than this. 

"Oi! Get a room you two!" I heard Tom's booming accent behind us. Nathan and I separated to see him and Maria walking toward us hand in hand. It was nice to see them back to normal. "All the rest of us are getting ready to go back to the hotel. Car's waiting." He pointed to the SUV on the street at the end of the pier. 

"Right behind you." I replied and they turned around and walked away. I smiled up at Nathan and then gave him another light kiss before walking toward the car.

We got back to the hotel around 6 PM. 

"What shall we do on our last night here?" Siva asked as we were all standing in the elevator going up to our floor.

"I'm thinking it's time to really enjoy ourselves..." Jay trailed off with a smirk. "PARTY IN MY ROOM." He yelled. Everyone laughed. 

We got to our floor and continuted to Jay and Stephanie's room. The boys set up a beer pong table on the balcony while the rest of us girls found some good party music to listen to. Then we busted out the bottles of liquor and got crazy. 

In the morning, I woke up on the balcony of Siva's room with a feather boa wrapped around my neck. "What the hell..." I said to myself confused as I looked around. There was no one else out there with me. I got up and went inside where I found Jay and Steph passed out on the bed. Why was no one in the right room?! I went to the bathroom really quick to check myself in the mirror, and found Siva passed out in the bath tub with all of his clothes still on. Even his shoes.

"Hey!" I said as I nudged him. His eyes fluttered open slowly and he looked around confused.

"What the... why am I in the tub?" He asked, then looked at me. "Why are you wearing a feather boa?" 

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