Part 26 - Olá Brasil!

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I woke up a few hours later to Nathan stirring. 

"Sorry love, my arm's kind of asleep." He said looking at me apologetically. 

"Oh sorry." I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Where are we?" I asked looking out the window. We were over the ocean. He laughed.

"We're on a plane on our way to Rio." He said. 

I stuck my tongue out at him. "I know that. I mean how far away are we?" 

"Captain said we're about six hours away a couple minutes ago. You didn't hear him?" 

I shook my head. "Guess I was knocked out pretty hard." I chuckled. "Well this is boring. What are we supposed to do for six more hours?"

"I gave you a suggestion earlier but noooo." He said. I gave him a shove and he grabbed my arm and pulled me down next to him again. "We can play the question game to pass the time." 

"What are we in 8th grade now?" I teased. I nuzzled myself into his neck and rested my hand on his chest where he kept his free hand resting on top of it. I could feel his heartbeat, slow but steady. 

"What's your favorite color?" He asked me. 

"Red. I also like yellow and grey, but red is my favorite. What's your favorite sport?" I asked.

"Football of course. Or as you Americans call it ... 'SOCCER'" He put airquotes around the word 'soccer.' I laughed. We continuted asking questions off and on for a couple hours, like what it was like growing up where we did, and what our parents and siblings were like. Then we got up to stretch and chat with the rest of the group. The boys and rest of the girls had been to Brazil before so they were really excited to take Steph and I sight seeing. 

The time seemed to fly by and before we knew it the captain came on and told us to fasten our seatbelts for the descent into Rio. About twenty minutes later the wheels touched the pavement at Galeao Interational Airport. We gathered our carry-ons and left the plane, thanking the flight attendants on our way out. Once we got off the plane and over to baggage claim, there was a hoard of fans screaming, waiting to meet the boys. They of course chatted with them, took pictures, and received gifts. Steph and I even got a few hugs and people wanting to take pictures with us. It felt unbelievably welcoming.

One of the fans who took a picture with both Steph and I asked: "So what is it like being with Nathan and Jay?" She was so cute, seemed to be about fifteen or sixteen years old. We told her and her friend how amazing it was and how sweet and caring they are. They listened eagerly the whole time and then went to try and get a picture with Max because he was nearby. Steph and I shared a smile and then went over to the conveyor belt so we could get our luggage. 

"This feels so surreal." She told me.

"I know. Sometimes I actually pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming." I replied. I looked over my shoulder and saw Nathan who still had about ten fans surrounding him.

The boys continued chatting with them for about five more minutes and then told them that they had to go because they had to go check in at the hotel. Then they came and got their luggage off the belt and we headed out of the airport where a car was waiting to take us to our hotel. 

The hotel we were staying at was huge, I had never stayed at a place like this before. It was right on the beach and our room had the most amazing view of the ocean. 

The time in Rio was only four hours ahead of LA so the jet lag wasn't too bad. It was about four in the morning there, but since we were still on LA time it only felt like midnight to us. Nathan and I decided to take a walk down the beach when we got everything settled into our room. 

"Okay so the video shoot is in two days and we have off tomorrow, what do you want to do?" I asked him as I swung our hands inbetween us. 

"We can go see the Christ The Redeemer statue." He pointed to the statue way up in the sky off in the distance where lights were still shining on it. "Or we can have a little fun of our own" He said stopping and pulling me back to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I rested my hands on his chest looking straight at him.

"Oh don't worry. We will." I winked and kissed him, then jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist. "There's no one around..." I said with a smirk. "And I've always wanted to have sex on the beach." He raised his eyebrows and then laid me down on the sand. He took his shorts off but kept his boxers on, and I did the same, keeping my undies on. We made it quick since we were still in a public place, but it was nonetheless great for both of us.

When we finished we made our way back up to the room trying not to be seen, since we were all sandy and disheveled looking. We took a shower together to get all the sand off of us and then we climbed in to bed. 

Needless to say, it was quite the welcome to Brazil. 

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