Part 34 - Redemption

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I woke up the next morning before my alarm went off to something licking my face. I opened my eyes to see Clancy, Steph and Jay's bulldog staring right back at me. I giggled and pulled him over on top of me and started to play with him. He got a little too excited and started to bark, which consequently woke Nath up. He grunted and rolled over.

"Sorry babe." I said sympathetically. He smiled tiredly and sat up. "Please try to hurry getting ready this morning." I continued. He nodded and got out of bed to take a shower. While he was showering I got ready and then went downstairs to make some coffee and wait for everyone. Everyone was slowly, but surely coming out of their rooms while I was in the kitchen.

"Hey Tom. Planning on having a party tonight. You down?" I asked him as he slurped the milk out of his cereal bowl.

"Hell yeah." He said after slamming the bowl back down on the table. 

"Excellent. I want it to be a rager, since our last party here didn't go so well." I smiled. He looked at me and nodded, raising his eyebrows eagerly. 

"What's this I hear about a party?" Ollie came around the corner, still in her pajamas.

"Tonight. Here. Gonna be fun." I replied. "Call anyone you want. Spread the word." She jumped around excitedly. "Hey are you not going to promo today?" I asked her.

"Nah I'll just stay home with the rest of the girls. I'm still a little jet lagged." She replied. I nodded.

"So it's just me and you boys. Fun." I said sarcastically. Tom chuckled, then got up from the table, threw his dirty bowl in the sink, and walked back to his room. I looked up at Ollie and shook my head.

"Get used to that. He's the messiest of them all. You should see his room. I don't know how Maria puts up with it." She said.

"I'd rather not..." I laughed and leaned back against the counter, waiting on the boys to hurry up and get ready. We had to leave in ten minutes.

"Are you boys almost ready?" I yelled. I heard a jumble of male voices shouting "yeah" and "almost" or "calm down woman we'll be down in a second!" back at me. The latter was from Jay, no doubt. 

Ten minutes later they were suprisingly all ready to go, and we left the house for our day of promo. 

We went to two LA radio stations where the boys did a short interview and then had their newest single played. It was honestly so boring having to wait outside the studio for the boys to be done, but it went by fairly quickly. 

After the radio stations we made our way to the Jimmy Fallon taping and that took about three hours but it was brilliant watching the boys. I got to sit in the audience and watch this time. My sides were hurting by the end of their interview because the way they answered Jimmy's questions were so hilarious. Especially Max. He's quite the jokester.

We were all pooped on our way back home, but also really excited for the party that was gonna happen in a few hours. All of the boys had texted their friends, and told them to tell their friends. It was gonna be a fun night, no doubt. 

We got back and found that the girls had already cleaned the house and started setting up for the party. The kitchen table had cups set up for beer pong, the fridge and freezer were stocked with beer and a crazy amount of bottles of every type of liquor you could imagine, and there was a punch bowl sitting out waiting to be spiked with vodka. I high fived the girls and went to the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge. 

"Might as well start now." I said shamelessly. 

"You read my mind." Jay said as he followed me to the kitchen. 

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