Part 21 - Ellen

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All ten of us had to squeeze into the car again, sitting on our designated guy's lap. I sat on Nathan's and he kept his arms wrapped around my waist the whole time. Steph was on Jay's lap right next to Nathan and I. I looked over at her and she gave me the biggest, most ridiculous smile. I just let out a sigh, closed my eyes, and shook my head.

Then I remembered that Jay was planning on asking Stephanie to be his girlfriend today but he wouldn't tell us how, just that it was the "best idea ever." 

We pulled up to the lot and drove around the back of the building where Ellen's show was filmed. We all got out of the car and I adjusted my dress so it wasn't hiked up. I could feel Nathan's eyes on me the whole time.

Maria walked around the car and looked at me. "Abbey, the hickey has gotten darker." She whispered to me with a concerned look. 

I winced and covered the dark spot on my neck with my hand. "I don't know what else to do, I covered it up as much as I could." I replied.

"Put a bandaid over it maybe? You could just say it's a scratch. I have one in my purse." She said. I nodded and she started rumaging around in her bag. She pulled out a bandaid and put it on my neck for me. 

"Thanks." I told her with appreciative eyes.

"Anytime." She said with a smile.

We all walked into the building then and found the boys' dressing room. The make up artists started working on them right away while us girl sat on the couches and waited. I was really antsy for some reason. 

Ellen had a few other guests on her show. The boys were going to be interviewed last, and play a song for the audience at the very end. The show started while the guys were finishing up getting changed and fixing their hair. There were TV monitors in the dressing room that we could watch.

After a while, a man with a headset and a clipboard opened the door and said "five minutes boys." All of the girls stood up from the couches and the boys lined up at the door. Nathan grabbed my hand and we all walked out to where the boys were going to enter the stage.

We waited quietly backstage for a couple minutes before hearing Ellen introduce them. "And now I am happy to welcome back one of my favorite boy bands, all the way from the UK, The Wanted!" I heard Ellen say excitedly. I looked up at Nathan with a smile and he bent down to give me a kiss before walking out onto the stage behind the rest of the boys. The crowd was going wild. The rest of us girls walked quickly back to the dressing room to watch them being interviewed on the TV in there where it was more quiet. 

We walked in and sat down, all dead silent so we could hear. Max, Nathan, and Tom were sitting on the couch opposite of Ellen, and Siva and Jay were behind them on chairs. My heart was pounding because I didn't know if Nathan was going to say anything about me, we hadn't talked about it.

"Welcome back boys!" Ellen said. "I'm really excited to have y'all here again." 

"Glad to be back, we love The Ellen Show." Tom replied with a smile. 

She chatted with them for a bit about the album and the upcoming tour. Then the dreaded question was asked: "Now. I know Siva, Max, and Tom are all taken, but the world is dying to know... Nathan..." She trailed off and pointed at the large screen behind her where there was the picture of Nathan and I kissing in the ocean. The boys turned around to look and I saw Siva and Max playfully nudge Nathan. I heard some mumbles and "woooos" from the crowd. My cheeks turned red and I dropped my head into my hands. I felt Becca pat me on the back. "Who's this?" Ellen asked playfully. 

"I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore." Nathan started. I lifted my head. "That's my girlfriend. Her name's Abbey and she's great." He said matter-of-factly. "Sorry girls." He said humbly. I laughed.

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