Part 47 - Betrayal

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I sat up quickly and turned around to face him.

"Do you really mean that?" I asked, wide-eyed. He took his hand and ran it down my arm, smiling.

"Of course." He replied. 

I sat there for a moment, lost in thought. Then I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and brought him up to me, kissing his lips hard. I wanted him right then, more than ever. I had to show him how much I loved him. He reciprocated happily, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me on top of him, straddling him. I pulled off his shirt, then pulled off my own. About 10 seconds later all of our clothes were on the floor and we were going at it against the wall. He kept both of my legs draped over his arms, holding me up as he pounded into me, I let my head fall backwards, hitting the wall rather hard, but I didn't care. He slowed down after a bit, trailing his lips from my collarbone to my ear. I grabbed his face and looked at him. He had a hazy look in his eyes, kind of like he was drunk. God it was hot. He then took me to the bed and allowed me to be on top. I kissed my way up his stomach to his chest, then ran my lips along his jaw line before meeting his lips. He held my hips in place, moving me up and down in perfect rhythm. I just kept saying "I love you, I love you, I love you" over and over again until both of us hit our climax almost simultaneously. 

It was the most passionate sex we'd ever had. We laid in the bed, breathing heavily, wrapped up in each other. 

"Did that take you by surprise or something?" He laughed, holding me, dragging a finger up and down my arm. 

"What?" I asked.

"Me saying that I was going to marry you some day." 

"No, no, not at all. The crazy passionate sex we just had was because I was just horny and needed it..." I laughed sarcastically. He squeezed me tight and kissed my forehead. "No one's ever said that to me before. Like I said... no one has ever loved me as much as you. It's so different but the most amazing thing I've ever felt. So yeah it did take me by surprise, but in the best way possible. I can't wait to marry you, Nathan." I craned my head back and looked at him, and he kissed me while still smiling. "Just not any time soon. We are nowhere near ready." I told him. 

"HA! Could you imagine the tabloids? 'The Wanted singer Nathan Sykes proposes to girlfriend Abbey Rader of two months!'" He laughed. "Don't worry, love. We have a while till that happens. Just thought I'd let you know, because I've known for a while." He said. I squeezed him tight around his waist as he planted another kiss on my forehead. 

After a shower we came out of Nathan's room to see what everyone else was doing and found Jay and Steph sitting on the couch watching a movie. Both of them, perfectly in sync, turned their heads and looked at us with the same stupid grin plastered across their faces, as if they knew exactly what had just happened in Nathan's room.

"Shut up." I blushed. I winced as I started to feel a slight pain on the back of my head where it had hit the wall before. 

"Nathan! You're supposed to protect the girl's head from the headboard, haven't I taught you anything?!" Jay said, watching me massage the back of my head.

"Actually, it was the wall, jackass." I smirked. He held his hands up and looked away, putting an arm around Steph. 

"I'll go get you some Advil." Nathan said, as he got up and went downstairs. He came back ten minutes later with two cups of tea and my medicine.

"So what happened to 'trying to keep it down'?" Jay asked with air-quotes.

"This was a special occasion." Nathan replied while taking a sip of his tea, not even looking at Jay. It took all I had not to laugh. Steph looked at me with a questionable look. 

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