Part 32 - Home Sweet LA

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The flight back home dragged on and on. I was so uncomfortable being enclosed in such a little area for 14 hours while nursing a hangover. All of us were miserable. 

"Just a couple more hours, babe." Nathan reassured me as I squirmed in my seat, but I still couldn't find a comfortable position. I decided to pull out my laptop and upload the pictures from the trip, that seemed to calm my nerves and keep me occupied for a little while. Nathan sat next to me and watched me work my magic on facebook the whole time. I stopped on the picture from the previous night of me on Nathan's back, both of us chugging from two different bottles of vodka... 

"Probably shouldn't put that one up." I laughed and skipped it. "Not on facebook anyway." 

"Good because I just put it on twitter." He stuck his tongue out at me and showed me his phone. The tweet read: "@NathanTheWanted: Had a bit too much fun with my girl and the lads last night. We don't remember a damn thing." I laughed and then went to my own twitter to retweet it and I added: "@darthraderrr: @NathanTheWanted I'm still not sure where that sombrero came from..." 

"I hope Scooter doesn't think I'm being unprofessional." I told Nathan worriedly. 

"I think he understands. You do live with us afterall, it's a given that you're gonna party with us." He smiled. I nodded in agreement, but I was still worried in the back of my mind. 

I looked back at my twitter and the feedback was pouring in for both Nathan and myself. I was genuinely surprised with how welcoming the fans were being with me. It was so relieving to see that the majority of them liked me.

The captain came on the PA and announced that we were descending into LA, and that we should be safely on the ground in about 20 minutes. 

"Finally..." I breathed a sigh of relief. "I can't wait to get into my bed!" 

We landed and gathered our things to exit the plane, and once we got off there were of course loads of fans waiting at the end of the gate. I was not in the mood to talk to a lot of people so after I got my luggage off the conveyor belt, I told Nathan I'd be waiting for them in the car. The rest of the girls came with me, they were all just as tired as I was and didn't want to interact with anyone. About 20 minutes later the boys finally got to the car.

On our car ride back to the house, I texted my mom to let her know I was safely back in LA. She asked me when I'd be coming home for a visit. 

"Probably next week. I've got a lot of work to do with the boys this coming week."  I replied. 

"Okay. Bring Nathan if you'd like :)" She sent back. I raised my eyebrows and then showed Nathan the text. 

"I'd love to meet your family." He smiled down at me and squeezed my leg. 

"He said he'd love to meet y'all. I'll book a flight tomorrow and let you know when we're coming." I replied to my mom.

"Steph do you want to come home with me next week? Back to Houston?" I asked her.

"Yes." She replied blandly. She was about to knock out on Jay's arm. I laughed and nodded. I'll just have to remind her again tomorrow when she's awake. We were pulling up to the house, then. 

I got my suitcase out of the SUV and practically ran to the door and then up the stairs to my room. I flopped down on my bed so hard and said: "I've missed you" into my blankets. I heard Nathan's chuckle coming up behind me. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I turned over and nuzzled myself into his arms.

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