Part 18 - The Return of Charlotte

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I stopped in my tracks, looked at her, then at Nathan, and then behind me at Max. I was pretty sure there was smoke coming out of my ears. I put my hand on Max's chest and pushed him out the door, closing it. Then I remembered that Nath was inside alone with her, so I opened the door and yanked him outside too, giving Charlotte the death stare. Tom and Jay went inside, I guess they wanted to avoid the drama.

"What the fuck Max?!" I was so pissed.

"I don't know! She said six!" He replied. "I'm getting really tired of this bullshit." He said storming past me and into the house. Nathan and I followed, and I made sure I kept my grip on Nath's hand. I knew he wouldn't go anywhere near her, I just felt like it was necessary. Max stormed over to her, grabbed her arm, and dragged her to his room and slammed the door. He wasn't yelling, but he wasn't talking particularly softly either...

"You told me over and over again that you would be here at six!" He said to her.

"Oh whatever, Max. It's not that much of a difference." She replied.

"Yes it is. Who let you in anyway?" 

"Siva. He didn't seem very coherent. What happened to him?" She asked him. I closed my eyes and put my hand to my forehead. Fucking Siva. Jesus.  

"That's way besides the point, Charlotte. You seriously need to learn how to not show up everywhere unannounced. It's extremely impolite, I don't care if I'm your brother. There are others who live here too, ones that don't like you. At all. So why do you keep doing this?!" He was so angry.

"I didn't come here just for you Max!" 

"Oh I know what you came here for and I'm telling you right now that Nathan does not want you."

"Wow. Already assuming shit, huh?" She snapped.

"Well can you blame me?" He asked. "All you've done for the past two years is try to get with him. And the other night you practically broke Nathan and Abbey up because you couldn't keep your lips to yourself." His voice was starting to rise now. 

"I actually came here to set things right between me, him, and Abbey mostly." She replied curtly. My eyes got big and I looked over at Nathan who was just as shocked as I was. I just shook my head. Then I heard Max's bedroom door open and my grip on Nathan's hand tightened.

"Abbey..." She started walking toward me and I took a step backward, taking Nathan with me.

"...What?" I asked hesitantly. 

"I am extremely, EXTREMELY sorry for what I did the other night. I shouldn't have just barged in unannounced like I did--"

"And like you're doing right now." I interrupted quickly, narrowing my eyes at her.

"...And right now." She continuted. "But I just feel awful about it and would really like it if we could start over. I over stepped my boundaries and made a complete fool out of myself." I raised my eyebrows and looked at Nathan who was just giving her this really confused look, like he didn't know where any of this was coming from. 

I looked back at her and sighed. "I usually always give people a second chance if they're willing... but let me get this straight, we aren't friends. You are Max's sister and that's it. You don't show up here unannounced ever again, and you learn to take no for an answer." I told her sternly. She nodded and looked down at her feet. "But thank you for your apology. I accept." 

"Me too." Nathan said. Charlotte turned and looked at Max with a questionable look. 

"You know I forgive you, brat." He said playfully. She smiled at him.

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