Part 15 - Double Date?

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I made my way back to the living room and sat down next to Nathan on the floor where everyone was spread out in a circle around the coffee table eating. 

"What's on the schedule for tomorrow?" Tom asked.

Scooter had emailed me the boys' schedules earlier that day so that I wouldn't be out of the loop anymore. "Studio again." I replied. "But we won't be there as long as we were today. Just for a couple hours." They all nodded and continued eating. "Then you have Ellen on Wednesday. I personally can't freakin' wait for that. I love her." I said.

"Yeah she's great." Max said. "She was actually where we debuted in America."

"Do I get to go to that?!" Steph asked excitedly.

"Yeah sure! You can all go if you want." I said referring to the rest of the girls. 

"When's our first gig babe?" Nath asked me. I had to check my phone because I couldn't remember the exact date.

"Uhh... the 14th so that's... this coming Saturday." 

"You're going to enjoy that. The fans go nuts. Especially in a place like LA." Siva said. 

"I'm looking forward to it. If y'all are half as energetic as you were in the studio today then I can't wait to see what you bring to the stage." I replied. I looked down and saw my phone light up with a text from Max. I looked up and gave him a puzzled look.

It read: "Just found out that Charlotte will be coming here around 6 PM tomorrow night." 

"Thanks for the heads up." I replied. Now I just had to tell Nathan and figure out what to do tomorrow so that she wouldn't be near him.

We all finished eating and dispersed back to our rooms for the night. 

Nath and I were in his room tonight. "Hey so Max was just telling me that Charlotte wants to come and see him again before she heads back to England... and I'm sorry, I really don't want to sound like a controlling bitch but I honestly don't want her near you." I told Nathan. He laughed.

"Don't worry, you have every right to be like that. I don't want to see her anyway. What are you proposing then?" He asked. 

"She's coming around 6 tomorrow so I was thinking maybe you, me, Jay, and Steph could go on a double date?" 

"That sounds like fun." He smiled. "I'm going to go make a cuppa do you want one?" He asked.

"Sure." I said. And he left the room.

I walked over to Steph's room and knocked on the door. 

"Come in!" She yelled. 

I walked in and Jay was laying on her bed watching TV shirtless with his right arm behind his head propping it up. I chuckled and looked up to see Steph walk out of the bathroom brushing her teeth. 

"Would y'all be up for a double date tomorrow? Charlotte's coming by at 6 to see Max before she leaves and I really would rather be as far away from her as possible in fear of breaking my left hand." I said.

Steph turned and looked at Jay and he just nodded.

"Count us in." She replied.

"Cool. Get some rest we gotta be up early tomorrow." I said to Jay. He gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

"Ha. Ha. Suckers." Steph replied. "I get to sleep in." She grinned.

"Don't remind me. Ugh. I'm really going to miss sleeping in." I said as I started to sulk out of the room. "Goodnight!" 

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