Part 3 - Welcome to LA

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LA. What a great city. It’s pretty much exactly what you would expect, but BETTER. We got off the plane and found our designated car to take us to the house. My heart was pounding. I was so nervous. 

“On our way!” I texted Nathan.  

20 minutes later we arrived at a surprisingly normal looking house. It wasn’t anything extravagant, which was relieving. I guess the smallness reminded me of home. The moving truck was already in the driveway, waiting to be unloaded. The driver honked the horn for the boys to come out. 

“Fuck, I’m nervous.” I said to Steph.

“Don’t worry! This is gonna be amazing.” She reassured.

Just then I heard voices. I turned to see them all walking out the front door. First Max, then Tom, Siva, Jay, and lastly Nathan. Nathan looked directly at me and smiled. My stomach dropped. He was so freakin’ gorgeous! 

They all walked toward us. Steph and I just looked at each other and smiled, then looked back at the five extremely smokin’ hot guys that we got to live with. Steph whispered out the corner of her mouth, “this is gonna be fun.” 

Nathan was the first one to me. “HI!” He was so excited to meet me. He actually hugged me, while the rest of the boys just shook my hand. 

Tom laughed at Nathan, “a bit excited there aren’t ya mate?” and shoved his shoulder.

All seven of us chatted for a bit before walking up to the house to get the tour. I could tell that Jay had a particular interest in Stephanie, and vice-versa. I knew that was going to happen. At least she’s allowed to date him. I don’t even know why I’m letting myself have these thoughts about Nathan, I have to stay professional. But that’s gonna be so hard while living under the same roof as him. 

The house was a lot bigger on the inside. Right when you walk in there’s a huge living room with a huge flatscreen on the wall. To the left there’s the kitchen. Just after that there’s a long hallway with 3 doors; Siva, Tom, & Max’s bedrooms. Which meant that Nathan and Jay’s bedrooms were upstairs with mine and Stephanie’s. Great.

I folded my arms and walked slowly around the house, looking around, taking everything in. Jay offered to show Steph her bedroom and she followed him upstairs. I laughed and shook my head, just then Nathan walked up behind me and chuckled, watching them walk up the stairs “yeah those two are pretty much already set in stone huh?” 

“I think it was set in stone when she saw him for the first time on my computer screen.” I laughed. Max, Tom, and Siva were already outside starting to unload the truck. “So can I see my room?” I asked. 

“Oh yeah! Of course, follow me.” He lead the way up the stairs. There was a huge game room right when you get to the top of the stairs with an enormous couch, a couple recliners, and of course another flat screen on the wall. On each side of the room are two doors that lead to bedrooms. Mine and Steph’s are on the right side of the room, and Nath and Jay’s are on the left. I heard Steph giggling from her room. I laughed under my breath and shook my head. This was gonna be interesting.

Nathan stopped at my door and opened it for me, letting me enter first. “Wow! This is so big!” I said looking around in amazement. Nathan laughed under his breath. 

“Yeah pretty great huh?” 

“Definitely. I can’t wait to get all my stuff in here and decorate!” I said. Nathan smiled.

Just then Steph and Jay came into my room. Stephanie had a huge smile plastered on her face. “Isn’t this amazing?!” She asked excitedly. 

“Yeah! I can’t believe we’re actually here!” And I really couldn’t. This was all so surreal. Jay and Nathan looked at each other and laughed. “I guess we should go help the rest of the guys.” I said.

We all walked down the stairs and there were already a few boxes sitting in the foyer. I looked over to the living room to see two extremely pretty girls with long brown hair sitting on the couch. “Oh hi!” I said, walking over to them. “I’m Abbey, the boys’ new band manager. And this is Stephanie, my best friend.” I extended my hand to shake theirs and so did Steph. Jay and Nath had gone outside to help the other boys unload the truck. 

One of the girls stood up and shook my hand. “Hi I’m Tom’s girlfriend Maria! It’s nice to meet you.” She was insanely pretty. She had long wavy brown hair and was wearing blue skinny jeans with a plain dark grey shirt and white converse. She definitely pulled off the cute tomboy look.

The other girl extended her hand to shake mine. “I’m Becca,” she smiled “Siva’s girl.” She seemed sweet. She had straight brown hair and was wearing a light brown sun dress with tan studded flats. I liked her style.

“Nice to meet y’all.” I said with a smile.

Just then the boys walked in all sweaty from unloading the truck. Tom walked over to Maria and gave her a big sweaty hug. She squealed and giggled, trying to get away. They were cute together. Siva walked over to Becca and put his arm around her. “Ew you stink,” she said, everyone laughed. 

“There’s more where that came from babe.” He said back

I turned and looked at Max “no girlfriend Max?” I asked sarcastically.

He laughed. “She’s out of town visiting family, but she’ll be here in a couple days.” I nodded. So as far as I could tell, the only single ones were Nathan and Jay.

“Are you prepared to deal with these idiots?” Maria asked me as she playfully kicked Tom’s leg. 

“As ready as I’ll ever be.” I said. “They seem fine so far.” I winked at Nath and he smiled back at me. 

Jay laughed that contagious laugh I heard on the video. “You have no idea what you’re getting into.” 

“Don’t scare her, Jay.” Nathan scolded. 

“Oh she knows I’m just playing.” Jay replied. Stephanie was at his side smiling up at him. I didn’t even notice her go over to him.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be able to handle you boys.” I said. “Should we finish unloading?” I asked.

“Absolutely.” Max said. He then turned and lead the boys out the door to finish getting all of the boxes out of the truck. Becca and Maria helped Steph and I take the boxes already in the foyer up to our bedrooms. 

Once I was alone I sat on my bed and took it all in. I was actually here; I was in LA, with my bestfriend, doing my dream job. I let a tear or two fall, partly from sadness, I really missed my family in Texas, but I was mainly crying because of how happy I was and it hit me that this is it. This is my life now. I was scared shitless, but couldn’t be more excited to start it.

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