Part 33 - Rest

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I snatched the phone out of Nathan's hand and answered it.

"Hello?" I said nicely. 

"Who's this?" She asked in her super annoying, high pitched voice.

"Who do you think it is?!" I asked. 

"Oh... can I talk to Nathan?" She asked.


Nathan was starting at me intently from across the table. 

"Listen here--" She started.

"No you listen." I interrupted. "Do you not understand the concept of leaving someone alone? Do you not get that Nathan doesn't want to talk to you? At all? Ever again? Have some dignity and get the hell out of our lives. You've caused so much trouble and pain. I literally just got the cast off that I had to get after punching you in the jaw because you barged into our home and laid hands on me after trying to get back with someone who's taken and wants absolutely nothing to do with you. So have some pride and Back. The. Fuck. Off." I said, then I hung up.

I put the phone down on the table and looked up at Nathan who surprisingly had a smile on his face. 

"Sorry if that was childish, but I'm not about to let her ruin things again." He reached across the table and took my hand.

"That was ... hot." He said. I laughed out loud.

"Oh please!" 

"No I'm serious. You spoke so clearly and it was just... hahahaha! I love you." He was cracking up, which made me laugh too. The waiter came over with our bill then, so we paid and then left the restaurant. I drove us back to the house and while in the car, Nathan called his phone provider and had Dionne's number blocked from calls and texts. 

"Wonder what she wanted." I said. 

"Who cares?" He said simply. We got to the house then and no one was to be found. All the lights were off in the kitchen and living room. I heard noises from the TV coming from Tom's room, so I suppose everyone was just keeping to themselves today. I followed Nathan up the stairs and to his room where he sat on his bed and booted up his laptop.

"Oh do you mind if I book our flight back to Houston really quick?" I asked. He agreed. I sat down next to him on the bed and took his laptop from him. I booked our tickets for next week. Four tickets for Steph, Jay, Nathan, and myself. This trip was going to be interesting. I gave his laptop back to him. 

"Want to Skype with my mum and sister?" He asked me. My heart dropped, I was not prepared for this! He saw the shock in my eyes and started rubbing my back to calm me down. 

"Y-yeah." I stuttered. "But what if they don't like me?" 

"Bollocks. They'll love you." He kissed my cheek and then hit the call button on Skype. A few seconds later his mom and sister were smiling and waving back at us.

"Mum, Jess... this is my girlfriend, Abbey."

"Hi! So nice to meet you! Wish we could meet in person." I told them.

"Hopefully soon!" Jess replied. I smiled and nodded. 

"How is it back home?" Nath asked them.

"Rainy." His mom replied. "Can't wait to have you back." They talked about what Nathan was doing here in the US, mine and Nath's relationship, how Jess was doing in school, things like that. They were so humble and kind. It was soothing to know that they were actually a lot like my parents. After about 30 minutes we signed off with them. I looked over at Nathan and he had a tear rolling down his cheek, but he was smiling. 

"Ohhh baby." I chuckled lightly and wiped the tear away with my thumb before hugging him around his neck. When I pulled away there were more tears. I almost started crying, too. It was hard to see him like this. He gave me a pathetic laugh and wiped his face. 

"I just miss 'em so much." He explained.

"I know, babe. It's hard to be away from your family for so long. Especially in another country. But this will fly by and you'll be back in the UK in no time." I smiled at him, but in the back of my brain I was worried. I didn't know what was going to happen between us when he was supposed to go back to the UK. I didn't know if I was only working for them while they were here in America, or if I was going to be managing them while they were in the UK as well. Nathan saw the worry on my face.

"What is it?" He sniffed.

"Nothing, it's just... nothing." I didn't want to bring the attention to me.

"No... what's wrong?" He looked at me, concerned.

"...I'm just worried about us when you have to go back to the UK." I said hesitantly. 

He looked at me and then pulled me to him. "As long as you're willing, I will do whatever it takes to make this work. Job or no job." He paused and kissed my forehead. "We're in it for the long haul. Nothing's gonna change that, alright?" I smiled and let a tear fall. I pulled away and wiped my face. "Oh so now we're both crying?!" He laughed.

"Shut up!" I laughed. 

"If anyone were to walk in right now, we'd never hear the end of it." He chuckled, then looked at me and his face suddenly got serious. He put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me softly. Just once. Then rested his forehead on mine for a couple seconds before kissing it, then kissing my cheek, nose, lips, neck, collarbones.

"Nath..." I said through heavy breaths.


"I can't."

"Can't what, darlin?" I pulled away from him and he looked at me confused. 

"I'm uh..." I cleared my throat. "It's my time of the month..." I winced at the words. That was the first time we'd talked about that together, but he just brushed it off like it was nothing. 

"No worries, love. What do you want to do then? No wait! I have a perfect idea!" He said excitedly, then he just jumped off his bed and practically ran out of his room and down the stairs. I took this opportunity to go to my room and change into my baggy sweat pants and one of Nath's hoodies. When I came back to his room he was sitting up against his headboard, under the covers, and he was looking at me with the cutest smile on his face. There was a carton of ice cream on the night stand with two spoons. I almost started crying, it was so adorable. I climbed into the bed and kissed him. 

"You're the best boyfriend ever, you know that?" 

"I know." He replied, pleased. 

We stayed in bed watching movies and eating ice cream until about 7 when we wandered out of our room to see what everyone wanted for dinner, and we ended up just ordering pizza, eating around the coffee table, and then dispersing into our rooms for the rest of the night. 

Before Nath and I went to sleep I sent a mass text to the boys reminding them about all the promo they had tomorrow and to be ready to leave the house by 7:30. 

"We should have a party tomorrow night." I suggested to Nath. We were cuddled up together on his bed watching TV. "We haven't had one since that whole Charlotte fiasco, and I really want to enjoy one." I looked up at him and he nodded his head. 

"Let's do it. I'll tell the lads tomorrow morning." He replied eagerly. 

I smirked. "This should be fun." 

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