Part 16 - Kidney Stone

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I watched the door close as Nathan walked out, then turned to look at Jay. 

"Well I know how Abbey thinks, how does Nathan think?" I asked. Jay turned and looked at me, sweeping his wildly untrimmed curly hair out of his face. "By the way you need a haircut." I said tousling his hair. 

"You like it." He grinned playfully. I smiled back at him.

"So? Nathan?" 

"Haven't you seen the way he acts around her? He's falling in love. Total romantic he is. Always has been. That's why the ladies love him so much." He said.

"So why do those 'ladies' no longer have him?"

"Because they were fucking mental... didn't you see Dionne? He's the one always breaking up with them." Jay explained. I nodded. 

"You don't think he'd do that to Abbey do you?" I asked hesitantly. 

"If she doesn't turn into a super crazy bitch then I think it should be fine. But I doubt that'll happen. I haven't seen any signs of that in her... well besides her punching Dionne... but she had a right to do that... and everyone's been waiting for someone to do that for a while... especially me... can't stand her..." He was going off on a tangent. 

"Jay... back on topic." I laughed. 

 "Right. Sorry. Plus she's our manager and I think the separation of her work life and romantic life will help a lot. She seems to have a good handle on that. I just hope she doesn't get sick of him." Jay said.

"Oh I don't think that'll be a problem. She usually loves to always be around the person she's with. I just hope Nathan doesn't take that as an issue." I said.

"Nah he's the same way." Jay replied.

 "Good. Then I think this is going to work out juuuust fine." I said with a pleased smile. I leaned back against my headboard. "You said you thought he was falling in love with her?" I asked. 

"He won't admit it to himself or anyone yet but I can see it. We all can. He's never acted like this with another girl." He said. 

"Wow." Was all I could manage to get out.

"And what about you and I? How are we doing?" Jay asked me.

"I think we're doing just fine, don't you?" I asked with a smile. I was basically in the same position as Abbey, I wanted to be with Jay officially, of course, but not just yet. I didn't want to rush anything. "I like our pace." I smiled at him.

"Me too." He said as he leaned up to kiss me.

"NATHAN! JAY!" I heard Becca yell up the stairs. She sounded frantic.

Jay and I ran out of the room, Nathan and Abbey right behind us. "What's wrong?!" Nathan asked.

"It's Siva. He's in a lot of pain... His back... I don't know what to do." She replied. She was on the verge of tears. All four of us ran down the stairs to Siva's room. Tom, Max, Ollie, and Maria were there as well. He was on his knees leaning on his bed and clutching his back. Nathan ran over to him.

"Mate, what's wrong?"

"My back... I've never... been in... so much pain." He replied.

"Is it your lower back Seev? Kind of at your side?" Abbey asked.

"Ye...yeah." He said. 

"Can you pee?" She asked. Everyone looked at her funny.


"Sounds like a kidney stone." Abbey replied. "I've had two. I know exactly what he's talking about. Worst pain in my life." 

"How'd you get rid of it?" Max asked.

"I went to the hospital both times. Had to get a shot for the pain and then just wait for them to pass. I think they're a lot worse for guys though. Since y'all have a smaller urinary tract" She said. Siva whimpered after hearing that. 

"Alright. Come on. Up you go." Nathan said grabbing Siva's arm and hoisting him up. He put Siva's arm around his shoulder so he could hold him up, Tom went to his other side and did the same, and they walked out the front door with Abbey and Becca following.


"Hang on, babe we're almost there." Becca said. Siva was laying down in the back seat with his head in her lap, she rubbed his back trying to soothe him. You could tell she was trying not to cry. It was hard for her to see him in so much pain.

"Make sure he hasn't passed out." I told her from the front passenger seat. She craned her neck to make sure he was still awake and he was, just barely. We pulled into the hospital parking lot then. Tom and I propped him up and helped him walk to the entrance with Becca and Abbey trailing behind. Luckily there were only a couple people waiting to be checked out at the ER so they were able to look at him relatively quickly. Becca and Tom went to the back with Seev for support while Abbey and I stayed in the waiting room.

It was late and Abbey was still tired, so she layed down on the waiting room chairs with her head in my lap looking up at me. We talked about work and us, and Seev. "Besides you I think Siva's the one I'm closest with." She explained. "He's helped me a lot these past couple days when I was going through that rough patch. I hate to see him going through this, especially since I know exactly what he's going through." She continued. 

"I know he appreciates it, love." I smiled down at her. We waited a good hour and a half before Siva came out from the back room with Tom and Becca at his sides making sure he wouldn't fall over. He looked really happy. 

"It's the drugs..." Abbey whispered to me with a light smile as Siva stumbled towards us. 

"Oh no." I chuckled.

"Hey guys." Siva slurred as he approached us. He had a stupid smile on his face. 

"Definitely the drugs." Abbey said under her breath so only I could hear. "You're gonna sleep well tonight." She said to Seev with half grin and raised eyebrows. "And no studio for you tomorrow. You need rest." 

"WOOHOO!" Siva yelled throwing his hands in the air and stumbling backwards. We all shushed him as Becca and Tom caught him before he fell. "Shhhhh!" Siva replied to us all as he gained his balance again. He even brought his finger to his lips. It was so hard trying to contain our laughter.

"I think I want to stay up just so I can watch him. It entertaining." Tom said with a laugh.

We walked out to the car and drove back home. It was almost 2 in the morning before we finally got back to bed.

"I didn't know living and working with y'all was going to be this dramatic." Abbey said playfully.

"Told you you didn't know what you were getting into." I replied with a smirk. "Let's get some rest. We have to be up in four hours." 

"Ughhh. I don't even want to think about that. Good luck waking me up!" She said reaching up to give me a kiss. I rolled my eyes and pulled her to me, and within just a couple minutes we were both fast asleep. 

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