Part 27 - Brazil, Day 1

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I woke up the next morning to Nathan fiddling with my undies. My eyes flitted open and I looked over at Nath who was looking at me wide awake.

I stretched and then climbed on top of him, strattling him. I flung my hair over my shoulder, both my hands pressed on the bed on either side of him. I could feel his thickness under me. "Someone's a little frisky this morning." I smirked. I looked over at the alarm clock which read 8 AM. 

"We can go back to sleep after." He said. He reached his hand in between our bodies and started stroking me above my underwear. I groaned and gave myself to him. He peeled off my shirt and underwear in about five seconds and then kicked off his boxers. He was very eager. He rolled me over so he was on top and then slammed into me. It took me by surprise but I didn't want it to stop. I wrapped my legs around his waist as we moved in perfect rhythym. He buried his face into my neck as I clawed at his back. Then he slowed down and propped himself up to looked at me. I brought a hand up and swept the sweaty hair out of his eyes, then grabbed the back of his neck and brought his lips down to mine, then the rhythm picked up again. I reached my peak and he followed seconds later, grabbing the sheets on either side of me and twisting them in his hands, his knuckles turning white. He collapsed on top of me and then rolled over on his back. 

"Morning sex is the best." He said through heavy breaths. I chuckled and rolled onto my side to look at him. He did the same. "I love you." He said pushing my hair behind my ear. I blushed. 

"I love you too, Nath." I leaned forward and kissed him. He pulled me down next to him and held me until we drifted off to sleep again.

We woke up two hours later to a knock on the door. I got up and put on Nathan's shirt which just barely covered me all the way. I looked for my undies but I couldn't find them so I just pulled Nath's shirt down to cover as much as I could. I looked through the peep hole and saw Jay behind the door so I opened it. "Oh." He said, taken aback by my disheveled looks. "Ohhhh." He said with a sly grin on his face as he realized.

"What's up Jay?" I said, pulling the shirt down to cover my privates. 

"We're all going to go up to the statue in about an hour, just wanted to see if you wanted to come." He raised his head and looked behind me. I turned around to see Nathan walking to the door in his boxers, scratching the back of his head. 

"What's up, mate?" He asked groggily.

"Statue in an hour?" Jay asked. 

"Yeah sounds good... Oi! Babe go put some knickers on your arse is hanging out!" Nathan said to me.

"I couldn't find them!" I said scurrying away, still pulling the shirt down over my bum so Jay wouldn't see. I heard Jay laugh his loud, contagious laugh as I located my undies in the complete opposite side of the room in the corner. How'd they get all the way over there? I shook my head and pulled them on, then found some shorts in my suitcase and put those on as well. When I walked over to the door to join the conversation again, Nath was just closing it. He turned around and laughed. 

"What?" I asked, confused. 

"You're a mess." He said. I went to look in the mirror in the bathroom and my hair was all over the place, the shirt was on backwards and inside out. I laughed at myself. 

"Still think I'm sexy in your shirt even when I'm not wearing it right?" I asked from the bathroom.

"Always." He said. I jumped and looked over to the door where he was leaned against the frame, staring at me. 

"You seriously gotta stop sneaking up on me." I told him.

"Sorry love." He said with a boyish grin on his face. "I'm gonna shower, wanna join?" He asked casually. 

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