Part 38 - A Plan

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I looked at Nathan. "Can you distract Jay for a couple minutes while I talk to Steph about this?" I asked. He nodded.

I walked to the door and opened it, trying to look as cheerful as possible, but I knew that it wouldn't come across as genuine. I sucked at hiding things. 

"Hey." I said to Steph. Jay was right behind her looking suspicious. Immediately I took Steph by her hand and dragged her to the backyard where we could be alone. I had no idea what Nathan was doing to distract Jay, and I really didn't care at the moment, as long as he wasn't out there with us. I pulled up the video and showed Steph.

After a couple seconds of watching, her jaw dropped and she grabbed the phone violently from my grasp. 

"How did you get this?!" She yelled at me.

"He sent it to me this morning." I replied, trying to stay calm.

 "Dylan did?!" She asked frantically. I nodded. 

"Steph... he's asking for $25,000... or he's going to leak it to the public and make it look like you're cheating on Jay." I explained.


"Because it's Dylan." I replied. "And I know this is a shock and it's upsetting, but please try to calm down. I don't want my parents to hear what's happening. I'm trying to involve as little people as possible." I told her as calmly as I could. She put her head in her hands and took a couple deep breaths before looking back up at me. "What do you want to do? Do you want to tell Jay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm not gonna keep this from him or he'll go mad and think that I actually am cheating on him." She thought to herself for a couple seconds. "Do we even have $25,000?" 

"I'm sure we can figure something out. I wish we could get the police in on this and bust him but I'm afraid that'll bring too much attention to the issue and cause an uproar with the media." I explained. "Fuck, I seriously don't know what to do." I said. 

"No! Nathan! Let go of me!" I heard Jay yelling from inside of the house. I looked up to see him yank the door open and walk out, Nathan at his heels. Nath looked at me with an I'm-sorry-I-tried look on his face. "Abbey. What's going on?!" Jay asked me sternly. I looked at Stephanie and she nodded, giving me permission to tell Jay what was going on. I told him everything that I told Steph, but decided not to show him the video. When I was done explaining everything, I looked up at Stephanie, who was looking at Jay with the most sorry look on her face. You could tell she was scared that he was going to believe the accusations that Dylan threw upon her. 

Jay was quiet for a good minute, pacing back and forth. 

"Jay..." I started.

"Just... tell me exactly how long ago was this tape recorded?" Jay asked Steph.

"He filmed it about two months into our relationship, it was the first time we ever slept together. I remember it perfectly. I didn't even know he was recording it until Abbey showed me that video." Steph explained. She was in tears again. "I thought, to my misfortune, that that was a special moment between me and him. But just like every other time, he's proven me wrong by being the disgusting prick that he is." She was staring at Jay, who was staring at the ground. "Jay please..." 

"Let's give them some privacy..." I whispered to Nathan as I grabbed his hand an went back inside. I sat down on the couch and stared at the floor. I was on the verge of tears again, but I choked them back. "I have to call Scooter. He's not going to be happy." I stood up and dialed his number. He picked up after three rings. 

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