Ch 124 - Why do you have Friends?

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“Rowena, if you don't get down here, I will just buy another owl!”

“One that will be less stroppy.”

Rowena clicked her beak angrily.

“It's literally your job! You get treats and stuff for it and you do literally nothing else all year!”

Rowena turned her back on him.

“Damm Hedwig, she has gotten you lazy....It's like one a day if that! Look, take this one and I promise you won't have to do any work tomorrow!”

It took her a few moments, but Rowena begrudgingly turned back around to face Lucifer and fluttered down onto his King-sized bed.

Lucifer stroked her head and then tied his letter to the owl's leg.

“Ginny asked for a response as soon as possible or I'd leave it and you know that. I do feel bad,” Lucifer tried to explain himself.

Rowena clicked her beak at him, but he could see that she had lost her conviction.

She nibbled his finger and then spread her wings and flew out of his balcony, since the glass windows were left open.

Lucifer sighed and sank back into the chair in front of his desk.

It had been a very long summer. The elation of finally closing the Chamber for good and slaying the basilisk had caused the first week to pass by in a blaze.

He spent most of the first week of getting rid of summer homework, and was completely done with it, after today's long marathon.

Lucifer didn't dare to tell Hermione that, or she would have his head when they did meet.

Once that elation, and work had gone off however, it had suddenly sunk exactly what he had to look forward to.

Two months with nothing more than staying over at Lux, with Makima as his new Secretary, responsible for taking care of his penthouse in his absence.

Originally, he'd thought it would be good to finally be able to perform on the stage at night, but SPD had yet to deliver his request notice.

Laws are just too much to get around here.

Even after being the owner, it would most likely take another week to get the damn right, until then Lucifer just had to order Makima to do the legal jobs, since he wasn't an adult.

Besides, Hermione Granger that he'd be missing out on playing with, she'd gone away on holiday with her parents to France.

The two still made calls back and forth regularly using the Mirror that Lucifer had specifically paid a huge amount for a Christmas present in their first year.

Both were also enchanted with a  Protean charm and allowed the users to leave messages, if the other side wasn't available to pick up the call.

He flicked open his mirror and read the last passage received from her, because of how much Lucifer got busy completing his work today, he'd forgotten to pick up several past calls this morning.


You are still not picking up, so I would assume that you're probably out!”

“But, well, I was eight last time we were here, but it seems like a completely different country! I've never noticed the subtle signs of magic before, always just thought I was seeing things or tricks of the light, but we've seen so many small shops and information areas that tell you all about the history of magic out here. It's weird to see so many things that we aren't even taught!”

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